This guy is a visiting Professor at a nondescript school. I wouldn’t put too much stock into his recycling of CFS = depression ramblings
Just as there will be an infinitesimal population that hasn’t been exposed to Covid, there will soon be an equivalent population without FND...
Alan Carson is now positioned as the preeminent psychosomatic researcher. Of course his input is needed, because we all secretly know these...
The Joseph Smith segment was wild. A tidal wave of buzzwords and jargon, all creating a cumulative effect of absolutely nothing. DNRS, the...
Im sure this will be ascribed to militancy and evil ME activists. The militants with transnational tentacles and the ability to browbeat public...
The health coaching model is a giant grift. It allows people with no credentials, training, or ability to market themselves as experts in basic...
I think it’s worth leaving responses on this one. It’s illiterate nonsense. It even reads like a random sentence generator vomited it out.
Have any of the usual suspects chimed in to diminish it?
Get ready for a puerile and frenetic response from Adam Gaffney…
Did they identify the problematic language? Rhetorical question of course
BMJ Editorial Is there one illness (FND)? By Simon W
The subconscious secondary gain theory couldn’t be more insipid, and just reveals the conscious discriminatory attitudes of doctors. You’re...
This guy has been beating and defiling this dead horse for some time. It’s clickbait culture war nonsense manifesting in cacophonous non...
The message has always been the same. These patients aren’t experiencing anything we don’t deal with everyday. They just lack the resiliency to...
Exhaustion is mental illness because we’ve made that determination and are totally intransigent. It has to be something that only befalls an...
They aren’t 50 international specialists in the area, unless you believe that ME is FND is functional somatic syndrome is … The contempt is so...
I would speculate this is especially true for the FND sycophants, who I highly doubt were pouring over the literature.
They have too much to lose. Im hoping there will be responses from reputable sources, though i’m not incredibly optimistic
If activity levels aren’t relevant, then why is increasing activity the central aim of these interventions, and why did you include actigraphy as...
What kind of reporting is this? It just parrots Garner and snippets from the opinion piece with no context or analysis. Troglodytic journalism
Separate names with a comma.