This is Long-term Effects of COVID-19 in Adolescents (Project LoTECA) and Recovery Norway...
noticed that too...:thumbsdown:: unamused: Cochrane refused to publish the IPD - protocoll. so, outside then, like descibed in the paper Larun L,...
[MEDIA] okei this translation sucks.... :banghead:
*Primary endpoint (10 weeks) Physical function: SF-36 (RAND) (Ware & Sherbourne, 1992) Secondary outcomes baseline, 6weeks, 10weeks and 6 mo...
From Live Landmark respons 10 oct 2020 to REC Central (REK midt) assessment (Application Procedure/process) "A three-day course is a short...
(。◕‿◕)ノ゚°º✫•❥ Thank you Michiel :):thumbup::balloons:
Important to remember that - in this particularly chosen patient-cohort: The patient study screening for acute EBV canditates, here; n=895. The...
and oxo... No altering of the text - «recovery»: In Malik et al. table 4 as «reports» the results of «recovery» we find discrepancies. In the...
Same shit as in "the Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia Syndromes. The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Psychosomatic Medicine...
English translation; Commentary/feature, 10 Aug 2020 in the newspaper Firda [MEDIA] "Is being met with respect and understanding too much to...
Great opportunity Do comment in English!! Since (to has translated their news article (from 19Jun2020) regarding...
Changes through peer review process from submitted manuscript to published paper - and everything actually happened inside the Journal BMJ...
2017/10566 - F08 Exercise Therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome - Cochrane review...
Hi! :emoji_warning::emoji_warning::emoji_warning::emoji_fearful: We have a BIG PROBLEM in the latest communications between the Norwegian...
more like in terms of "Questionable Research Practices" and different type of bias. Thank you for posting my blogpost @Kalliope :thumbup: Best...
Some of mine blogpost at this particular subject: Blogpost 2mai2015: The Myth and the Scientific Fraud of the bio-psycho-social model...
RTX6_Studieprotokoll_supl1_02042019 to large to upload
Bjarte Stubhaug and ME-criteria in the 2008 thesis, Link to thesis: i.e. p; 49 - 52: "The clinical study...
Norwegian Studies - NorCAPITAL Study of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Adolescents: Pathophysiology and Intervention Trial...
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