I became ill just over a year after getting married. I was still working, but it was a struggle. One lunch hour, a chiropractor and long-time...
@MSEsperanza Many thanks for posting this article. It describes my situation perfectly. Last summer, with a sibling scheduled for by-pass...
Here's an article by Julie Rehmeyer posted on today's LA Times website: Netflix is televising prejudice against the chronically ill...
https://www.dailydot.com/upstream/afflicted-series-netflix/ Oh dear! With articles like the above, viewers will have their opinions influenced...
For me, the worst content on the CDC website is the section called "Voice of the Patient". https://www.cdc.gov/me-cfs/patient-stories/index.html...
Yes, they might . . . but what you're suggesting seems to be a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" mindset. In this situation, there is no...
Just when I thought the narrative about ME and ME patients had turned a corner, along comes this "canard". Yikes, it's bad!...
Prevalence rates published in the linked article were obtained from The Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS). It is a voluntary, self-reported...
Next week, I have an appointment for the above test due to intermittent symptoms of heart failure post-ME, a family history of cardiac issues, and...
Hi @JenB . Thanks for your update. I haven't donated yet this time (although probably will do so). Regarding this particular crowdfunding...
@ladycatlover Oh, I love “Before and After” photos! What an amazing transformation — but all that scaffolding. That’s definitely something you...
@andypants Congratulations on finding a home outside the city. You’ll love it! There are many similarities in our circumstances regarding...
Justice, finally, for stricken Washington Post reporter by David Beard Here's a short article by a former colleague of Brian Vastag ( @B_V )...
Crap for sure. The only characteristic listed under Type A personality that applies to me is a sense of urgency -- basically only when I need to...
I was among those with serious reservations regarding the content and possible misinterpretation of the “Whitney Plea” posted at the beginning of...
I'm not sure how readers will interpret this article. I started out feeling outraged, but on "second read" realized I initially misinterpreted...
@JaimeS I haven't been able to find a still photo, but here's a link to a short video: [MEDIA]
Perhaps this article demonstrates the value of @dave30th 's recent awareness-raising trip in Australia. To the #MillionsMissing with ME/CFS,...
@Medfeb Thanks. It appears I misunderstood the following sentence: "Our plan calls for significantly ramping up research funding to equal the...
I agree with many of the above comments. Viewing the video without Janet's explanation, I would interpret Whitney's gestures (demonstrated by...
Separate names with a comma.