As the NIH director, I feel this is a topic he should not be engaging in. I mean, does he not have anything better to do, like real science...
Hi there @Gary Burgess . Very brave of you to come out. As I understand, it was not your first time? Either way, You have our thanks.
The word is coming out. But WE NEED MORE.
Indeed. But it stretches even further than that. Have you every heard of "Cause a problem, present the solution"?
Good point. Where is that from anyway?
Why do they feel the need to discuss pacing? This is not a talk show or "The Doctors". What a waste of time.
This is going to be conducted in the same country where I am residing. Very exciting. I have even seen that Jonas Bergquist was there giving a...
I respect your point @Sean ,however, we cannot get over the fact that he, for instance, attempted to take credit for the nanoneedle while he tried...
Indeed. Corrupt governments tend to preach democracy and freedom but tend to contradict themselves in any way possible. And when caught, they...
Word about CFS seems to be spreading. Let us hope that more scientists get attracted to studying the syndrome.
No apology necessary @duncan .
It is stated that cell repair damage could be a cause to this. But @duncan I am not sure most poeple die out of aging, pretty much anything could...
I could not have said it better myself.
I think a background check would be of significanse here? We do not know who we are dealing with here.
Sure @Alvin. But it is not simple to predict what radiation might induce and suggesting fearing it might cuase CFS is quite a bad theory if...
I meant nothing offensive by what I said @John Mac . But I find it amusing that someone (the ones who have made the study) would connect an...
Is this some kind of joke?
Well, radiation could certainly be the culprit to some mutations that could have resulted in a few deficiencies, such as CFS. I, however, find...
Exactly what I was thinking. What would be the point in trying this test when the doctors SHOULD BE conducting these tests to begin with?
You dont say. I REALLY hope they haveĀ“nt done this just for the credit and then abandon us further.
Separate names with a comma.