The Norwegian news site about research,, recently had a thorough article about current research into ME. @Midnattsol shared the...
Moved post Twitter thread from prof. Kunst with updated estimates of Long Covid cases and new ME/CFS cases
The newspaper Dagsavisen is following up this story. The health political spokesperson for the socialist party (SV), Marian Hussein, has started...
Thanks for clearing that up for me :)
Thank you Trish. That's a good point. I saw that prof. Kunst has written a new comment to the study. With the first comment I got the impression...
Spotted this on twitter via prof. Kunst who comments: IMPORTANT FINDING: A key argument for lifting restrictions has been that vaccination...
Clinical Microbiology and infection Post-COVID-19 syndrome and humoral response association after one year in vaccinated and unvaccinated patients...
oh, that sounds like a lovely room, indeed! Thanks for adding to the thread and I'm glad you're happy with the matt tiles, it makes me feel better...
Well, at least they're not holding anything back.. Ekspertar meiner korona varer lenger om du er redd google translation: Experts believe corona...
A heartbreaking article about severe ME sufferer Aurora's fight with her municipality to get the help she and her doctors says she needs....
I've seen an LP coach on Twitter talking about the importance of motivation in order to make changes, and compared LP with going on a diet. You...
Not quite. There's a summary here: ETA: To be fair, when clicking on the link to "Chronic Fatigue...
El País has an article about a couple where the husband is a Spanish musician and the wife is a Norwegian ME sufferer. The google translation is...
Spotted on twitter via prof. Kunst who comments: In a new #LongCovid study, one in three patients showed endothelial dysfunction (i.e.,...
Transl Med Endothelial dysfunction and altered endothelial biomarkers in patients with post-COVID-19 syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome...
You can read most of the stories in English translation here. More will be added as they're translated. I've heard so many LP stories over the...
ah, at least he agrees GET is not appropriate for everyone
Response from Putrino Lab: “Deconditioning” does not satisfactorily explain any #LongCovid symptoms. Not one. To assert that it does ignores...
Don't know if this from March 16th has been shared already? ABC News AUDIO: Doctors report long COVID and MECFS similarities - The impact of the...
Separate names with a comma.