It's also sad to watch so many people who might think a lot of themselves being so incapable of growth and change. I suspect there is a power /...
Here is the other silly thing. If we suggest there were just two problem sectors that are contributing to this. You have the...
Very good point to bring up. I often think that having chucked us into the terminology of the mental health/rehab realm where 'recovery' is used...
It's not just PEM but I think what gets failed to be emphasised is the cumulative nature. And how a good way to create a deterioration is to just...
in fact on that last para - where people think claiming ‘they had a belief [that instead of being ill and needing treatment as per guidelines...
It is very sad because if you think for example about the common connection/source of ME/CFS being EBV/glandular fever. It feels one that medicine...
I think the issue is the gap in expertise. People were foolish to think that allowing the old staff - who had the opposite of expertise and needed...
the therapists who won't learn about the condition dead-headedly insisting they get to be the one planning someone's life intimately because they...
Well no it sounds like just as they destroyed psychology and mental health proper from moving forward to move it into transdiagnostics they can...
According to what they would claim is involved with psychosomatic (expectations) makes no logical sense. those without a test will be those who...
And it appears they’ve persuaded RCP that’s ok people are happy to harm us as long as the situation allows them to not have to face up to what...
:laugh::laugh: the sad thing is... what a life she has, now if only they'd step back and help us to be able to get some medical care and research...
it seems they just are a bunch who cant think outside the behavioural model. Very old-school/fashioned underneath it all. they can come up with...
To be fair they let some of their more obedient patients turn up to do a poem or a song to the audience..
of course she is pro-GET Looks like she would need to change the name of her company from 'Vitality' otherwise her bio on: Our team — Vitality...
OK I had to double-check but this seems to be potentially Jess Sands who is running these sessions: Jessica Bavinton Our team — Vitality 360...
and for the 'sleep' presentation: Ms Kirsty Vant ( "Biography Kirsty Vant is a public health nurse and CBT-I therapist, she is...
Invited in by a bunch of people metaphorically chasing us with a stick as we try to escape saying to outsiders 'the bastards don’t know what’s...
Here’s the other thing I don’t think BACME members do want to save us or help us - it's never been about the people or patients (just pawns). I...
I think there was another item/session of another conference where they used ‘ly’ at the end of Nice I couldn’t be doing with it at the time but...
Separate names with a comma.