Maureen Hanson's team have published MRS data showing low levels of glutathione (a very important antioxidant). Would that suggest that...
Can't remember the figure the EU uses for classification as a "rare" disease @Michiel Tack - 0.05%? Numbers I recall quoted for ME/CFS are 0.4%.
Did they use the same "older" ligand in both studies?
Here's a first attempt at a complaint re BBC2 Newsnight program -hope there isn't a limit on the amount of text! I wish to complain about the...
Thanks for the transcript. Bear in mind that NICE has been hung out to dry on this - as per the House of Commons debate. A Government relies on...
Bumped into a neighbour, a retired journalist, who worked at the BBC 20 odd years ago. They suggested that you complain directly to the BBC i.e....
Extending the period between doses is about getting more people first doses. The UK had 40 million people (50 and above) with their first vaccine...
Anyone know if there's a transcript of the Newsnight interview? I can re-listen and note the extracts but a transcript might be easier. Thanks.
"hypothyroid" - interesting. I had wondered if it was relevant re ME in the past.
My initial impression was that it was embarrassing i.e. Paul Garner doing dumbbells on his lawn ---- I thought he was deluded. I actually...
If you hold those views then it may be worth complaining --- but yes if it's contrary to journalist/BBC code then that's relevant. I know someone...
Interesting. I need to re-watch but I think I recall some comment about "attacks" "militant patients". To me the remarkable thing was the way the...
Not sure if you guys have seen this yet but check out there's an interesting feature on BBC2 Newsnight now - including Paul Garner! EDIT...
[possibly misattributing here] I think you've touched on the concern that we're saying no to CBT & GET but not having an alternative - I assume...
Thanks @Trish I'll go with this* *"NICE has reviewed clinical trials of CBT and graded exercise therapy for ME/CFS, including the government...
Can you be specific i.e. what "facts"? Also, re "how the parliamentary questions system works" what are you thinking of? Thanks
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Here's a redraft*; grateful for your comments. *"The Government funded (£5 million) PACE trial set out to...
Yea refusing to release the data --- until the outcome of the court case (which followed the FOI hearing) --- doesn't really fit with the data...
This jumps out "by the end, a visit to a witch doctor begins to feel like the most sensible medical intervention in the book". If that's the most...
Separate names with a comma.