LP: Isn’t it odd that paying a large amount of money for something makes people take it more seriously? For a therapy that only requires a group...
Quotes from the article cited (for those who prefer a preview):
I found this scale useful. I went to say more useful detail but ... not this week. I wanted to post something as I appreciete the effort gone...
I was going to say Decartes. A good example of when good ideas need to be reviewed from time to time and updated in line with newer understanding.
https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms15801 As this describes some (a minor but very frustrating part) of my experience: difficulty with auditory...
Fun as all this psychiatry bashing may be, I do think it’s a subject that warrants further investigation and study. Unfortunately, like much of...
Combines empathy and science. Um, I thought that was _supposed_ to be your GP?
Nice article, thanks @Indigophoton! I’m glad I’m on a day I could read the original. Pleased to think/imagine/hope that lack of replication in...
Funny, I’ve always thought of intelligence as being exactly that: enjoying the experience of being challenged, of learning, and of challenging and...
Non-complaining sick people = higher rates of ‘cure’ that can be claimed. So, no, not useful for society, resources, govt funding, etc etc (those...
I tend to describe myself as mild/moderate but on your scale I’m mostly 2 with frequent dips to 1 and regular dips to 0. So my scale is finer...
If numbers were on the outer bounds of normal range, then I would tend to think that a trend (whether the number is moving in or out of the...
I do hope it’s been a damp week and the fire is a garden burn off with proper brick incinerator or a nice blaze inside a wood stove to dry out the...
Thank you for this. I recognise the experience much better in these questions. A couple of possible tweaks: I know that questionnaire methods...
Could someone please direct me to an up to date summary of ampligen? (=Rintatolimod) I did google and find it on MEpedia but it looks like it was...
Oh, and also from the same thread: Studies to test the effects of GET and exercise in general on pwME. I am aware that there are ethical...
I’d like to second one of @Alice’s suggestions here: Feedback from Stakeholder Engagement Workshop for the NICE guidelines on ME, Jan 2018 About...
Yes I think so. I don’t think I have OI (as others on the forum describe it) but I do now (only figuring all this out over the past few months)...
On a personal note: ooo! Me me me me me! ... :/ always it’s research for other patient groups (oh, you’re not sick enough, young enough, living in...
I agree with your idea I think but would approach I differently: I’d like all the literature reviewed and analysed for flaws in methodology, and...
Separate names with a comma.