...values for this scale, showing similar results. [ATTACH] The PACE trial however found no relationship between all-or-nothing behavior and...
This discusses the PACE Trial among other things: "Pursuit-worthy research in health: Three examples and a suggestion, 2024, Wilkenfeld"...
This discusses the PACE Trial among other things https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0039368124001213 Studies in History and...
Severe ME Day Webinar Event 2024 Lived Experience Forum ME Group Australia [MEDIA]
What patients need is not detailed planning and micro-management. They need the flexibility to adjust their activity pattern as required. Which is...
agree pacing needs to be dropped and ambiguity needs to also be stomped on when it’s deliberately introduced by others ‘pretending it’s by...
The PACE trial manuals describe the different arms of the trial as: Simple Non-incremental Adaptive Pacing Therapy (APT) Complex Incremental...
Thanks, it's actigraphy data from the PACE trial at baseline, but they don't report anything about variability or a comparison to healthy...
Exactly! Always a lot of words about what could be if the stars align, but failing to ask the most central question: What experiments would...
And it has been tested - in the PACE trial. Treatments aimed at changing perceptions did change (reported) perceptions, but made no difference to...
What I can't get past with this guy is the idea he is selling Crawley and White's (and his) line of 'the issue is delivery isn't being monitored'...
...promote GET as a treatment for ME/CFS, citing only the flawed PACE Trial and the Larun et al review as evidence. This is the advice on...
...sleight of hand. Where they basically did another arm of the PACE trial at the same time (but reported their results slightly later) and found...
...in next post - because it comes from all the way back with the PACE trial times. But on that wording - isn't that what this form is actually...
...I remember digging through the published protocols for the PACE trial several years ago when I first started working on this project, but it...
...me, I think that those materials are all preserved on the PACE trial website. In fact they have been referenced positively many times since,...
Thanks for the kind words! And very happy to see discussion of this paper in an ME/CFS forum since that was one of the focal points of my...
Welcome to the forum @jnmaciuch. Looks like you are going to fit right in. I hadn't seen this before, taken directly from the PACE Participant...
...That quote may be useful sometime e.g. when commenting on the PACE trial suggesting that activity monitoring was too onerous, or when...
Separate names with a comma.