there is quite a simple thing going on here the problem with the old guideline on CFS could be summarised that they were treating a serious...
...complaint. The psychiatrist 'treating' Carla was linked to PACE trial crew & involved in the inception of the disastrous 'liaison psychiatry'...
I'm beginning to think we need another study. So: Group A uses up however much of their available resources are required to fill in all this...
1. Activity pacing (like the APT arm of the PACE trial found to have no beneficial effect on it's own). In 2011 Bath was offering activity...
...the BPS crowd is that their research is relatively cheap. The PACE trial was £5 million, the recent NIH study was $8 million, and most of that...
Another thing that strikes me as worth looking into / considering , having read the Crawley et al (2013) inc P D White paper (who found no result...
well that is what they put on it as their suggestion. But of course the only thing the actual research was doing: Trial Report - Exploring the...
...make patients worse. " It's almost as if the CMO report and PACE trial didn't happen, and we've time-warped back to 2001 at least in terms of... had issues. What were the actual raw data measures on the PACE trial that can relate to physical function - objective and subjective. and...
I think the purpose of the 2023 and 2024 papers was to update the earlier papers in respect of the use of patient data following on from the GDPR... clinics, which was different to what was found in the PACE trial. So suggested 'urgent measures of delivery in clinics were needed' on the...
That's the slight of hand they pull though @Trish They teach you about establishing your baseline, staying below your energy envelope, but in...
I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's shocking but sadly not surprising. Gladwell should not be involved in developing new services if he's...
OK @Maat sorry that I'm basically repeating what you've laid out, but yes it does seem to be quite a clear path. I can see where you have the...
Take this comment, for example from the 2011 MEA article you found: "It seems that when people have had a poor experience of graded exercise...
...a recent consultation... but is waiting on the results of the PACE trial first. Physiotherapy journal urges gentle approach to prescribed...
...physical function than similar treatments delivered in the PACE trial." In the statistical analysis section: "Our primary outcome measures...
...physical function than similar treatments delivered in the PACE trial. This requires urgent investigation to determine whether it is due to...
Adding up these dates. I'm starting to wonder whether instead of 'repeating' it is more 'a continuation' ie those who thought they were on the...
Separate names with a comma.