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Activity stream for all registered members at Science for ME.

  1. Sean liked Nightsong's post in the thread #ThereForME campaign / Building an NHS that’s there for Long Covid and ME.

    I realise that this is going to be an unpopular post, but I have serious concerns about this campaign. It has the potential to affect...

    Sep 21, 2024 at 1:19 AM
  2. Sean liked hotblack's post in the thread #ThereForME campaign / Building an NHS that’s there for Long Covid and ME.

    That seems… significant. I hadn’t heard this, thanks for sharing the information.

    Sep 21, 2024 at 1:19 AM
  3. Sean liked Caroline Struthers's post in the thread #ThereForME campaign / Building an NHS that’s there for Long Covid and ME.

    Did David Strain sign it? I didn't see his name. He's recently been appointed as the Parliamentary Thematic Research Lead for Health...

    Sep 21, 2024 at 1:19 AM
  4. Sean liked Andy's post in the thread #ThereForME campaign / Building an NHS that’s there for Long Covid and ME.

    Trial By Error: UK Health Care Professionals Appeal to Health Secretary for Quick Action on Poor ME Care "Tuesday, September 17th, was...

    Sep 21, 2024 at 1:19 AM
  5. Sean liked Kitty's post in the thread #ThereForME campaign / Building an NHS that’s there for Long Covid and ME.

    I'm sure they are. They can wave a big flag saying "We're there for ME!" knowing that not many people read the small print.

    Sep 21, 2024 at 1:19 AM
  6. Sean liked hotblack's post in the thread #ThereForME campaign / Building an NHS that’s there for Long Covid and ME.

    I share many of your concerns, but hope you are wrong. And I do think making a strong case that they would be throwing good money after...

    Sep 21, 2024 at 1:18 AM
  7. Sean liked Jonathan Edwards's post in the thread #ThereForME campaign / Building an NHS that’s there for Long Covid and ME.

    I am afraid that is unlikely. The ministers involved, including Starmer, have indicated very clearly that there have swallowed the...

    Sep 21, 2024 at 1:18 AM
  8. Sean liked hotblack's post in the thread #ThereForME campaign / Building an NHS that’s there for Long Covid and ME.

    It’s probably not that surprising in some ways. A lot of the ThereForME people are relatively new to this area. When I was first ill a...

    Sep 21, 2024 at 1:18 AM
  9. Sean liked hotblack's post in the thread #ThereForME campaign / Building an NHS that’s there for Long Covid and ME.

    Well put. I wonder if a push for reform rather the usual ‘give us more money’ message would actually be better received by ministers too.

    Sep 21, 2024 at 1:18 AM
  10. Sean liked Nightsong's post in the thread #ThereForME campaign / Building an NHS that’s there for Long Covid and ME.

    This strikes me as one of these things that is very well-meaning but could easily backfire. As has been previously said Chew-Graham...

    Sep 21, 2024 at 1:17 AM
  11. Sean liked Jonathan Edwards's post in the thread #ThereForME campaign / Building an NHS that’s there for Long Covid and ME.

    Gladwell's name is not there. I think this is a very different group of people, mostly GPs, rehabilitationists, physios and...

    Sep 21, 2024 at 1:17 AM
  12. Sean liked Jonathan Edwards's post in the thread #ThereForME campaign / Building an NHS that’s there for Long Covid and ME.

    I think there are fairly well established networks through the charities, and no doubt through BACME and the Primary Care BPS community....

    Sep 21, 2024 at 1:16 AM
  13. Sean liked NelliePledge's post in the thread #ThereForME campaign / Building an NHS that’s there for Long Covid and ME.

    I guess it is positive if people in health professions with a psyscosocial perspective or a history of one are signing up to this. A...

    Sep 21, 2024 at 1:15 AM
  14. Sean liked Dolphin's post in the thread #ThereForME campaign / Building an NHS that’s there for Long Covid and ME.

    I also wonder how many are strongly critical of the biopsychosocial viewpoint e.g. with regard to graded activity/exercise/CBT. Possibly...

    Sep 21, 2024 at 1:15 AM