[sarcasm on] But being ill and depressed makes life so much more unpleasant for everyone else who is well and wants to enjoy life! I should think...
Wouldn't the part of the brain that was damaged by the stroke have an effect on the symptoms being studied?
It seems to me that authors making a point of using women in research papers just means the research is going to be a stitch-up. In other words...
So, someone has a medical condition that doctors have failed to diagnose so is therefore medically unexplained. We all know this can happen and...
I can request it (and I did, several years ago), but before I was given the copies (on paper) I had to sign a statement that said something like...
I think that would be impossible to police. ... On another topic, prompted by the reddit thread given by @RedFox, I would like to know what...
My bolding The bit in bold isn't true. I suspect that schizophrenia is classified as one of the "major mental disorders", and its symptoms have...
That would never work - and it amazes me that anyone ever thought it would. For example, some in the medical profession believe that women and...
The problem with this is that once a psychological explanation is in place biological research into a condition often ceases.
I would consider giving water injections to women in pain to be controversial.
I've had problems with tensed up muscles since I was a child. I know the cause of one of the problems I have. I clench my jaw to prevent it moving...
The bit in bold... This is what some doctors have been expecting of women with all sorts of diseases since the time of the Ancient Greeks, so it...
Surely this is no great mystery? Autistic people have a much lower life expectancy than healthy people and that could well be a result of poor...
Whenever I read anything about the BPS fanatics I remind myself that psychiatrists must have been threatened for generations by those who are...
That's fine - I have no issue with that. What I have an issue with is other people knowing what I'm using. Edit : And at what time(s) of day or...
Sorry, I can't answer your question. We've put off getting a smart meter too. I only found out that smart meters sent info every 30 mins or every...
I'd never heard of this NHS service before and thought it might be of interest : Rare Mitochondrial Disorders Service...
It's because there are so many of us. I've seen in multiple articles that very rich people think the world only needs half a billion people (or is...
Does anyone know the origin of the idea that ME is associated with perfectionism in some way? Because I've seen it mentioned often in the years...
In the final quote from the previous post (#17) the references from Medscape and American Family Physician are : Medscape :...
Separate names with a comma.