Subtitle : Researchers have identified a fundamental imbalance in the immune responses to lupus and defined specific mediators to correct it....
I waited 19 years, but it made no difference. There was no belief that the pain was as severe as I said it was. I have seen women saying that...
One of the things that I've found affecting my energy levels is untreated or under-treated chronic pain. The BPS crew appear to believe that...
Who wants to be under medical surveillance all the time? It sounds dystopian. Firing squad at dawn for those who don't do their exercise!
This idea that feeling worse is a good sign is very common in all sorts of situations, not just ME, and people are repeatedly told that they will...
I'm sure I'm not alone in this, but my depression was fixed by taking sufficient iron to boost my ferritin to mid-range. Until I treated myself...
Although UK doctors will get ferritin tested if they suspect a patient has anaemia, many of them seem to only declare a patient to be anaemic if...
I would assume that similar health problems in multiple generations are more likely to be caused by family diet and family genetics than anything...
The only thing I know about the Alexander Technique is that I looked into getting lessons many years ago. I don't remember the numbers now, but...
Does anyone ever discuss how to cope with the heartsink feelings of patients when they realise the doctor or nurse they are talking to doesn't...
Is this paper suggesting that every person with a disability has psychological problems? ... A study of the gaps? From wiktionary : From the...
I read the little bit of text at the top of that Facebook post (I don't have a Twitter account so can read very little on there these days.)...
It strikes me that emeritus professors will have more money throughout life and won't have had severe financial stress to deal with, and probably...
Edit : Asparagine is referred to as a non-essential amino acid i.e. the body can make it. It occurs to me that if ASN turns out to be important...
From the article : This sounds as if the doctor is keen to protect Pharma company profits, rather than help patients to feel better. How many...
A question and a comment... Do the authors mean a "trusting" relationship? I don't know what a "trustworthy relationship" actually is in the...
I've seen "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" mentioned in the same sentence as "Anxiety" and "Depression" before. But this is the first time I've seen...
I had to look up the meaning :
This reminds me of the times that my parents told me in my teens that I couldn't be depressed because children had nothing to be depressed about,...
According to NICE in the UK a result for ferritin of under 30 is evidence of iron deficiency in their Clinical Knowledge Summary on...
Separate names with a comma.