I haven't been able to watch. Is that globe for demonstration purposes? Does he use it to explain his scuba diving trip to Grenada last year?...
But I recovered from my perfectionism; why am I still ill?? :cry:
Glad there is a discussion of the effect of different diagnostic criteria on their findings in section 3, where they specify percentages for...
Is the CPET angle not going anywhere either? :( I thought it was
Is there any point in emailing them to ask what case definition/criteria they are using?
Has anyone written a letter to the CMOs about this?
How can this be changed? It's dangerous and giving cover to anyone who wants to take advantage.
Who has standing to complain to the RCGP about the Paul Garner involvement in the Long Covid webinar? I am sure many people would find his...
I was going to say this! I used to see those people in the park at the weekend before I got ill, being shouted at by a man in an army shirt and...
Seems Paul Garner is going to be speaking on an upcoming RCGP webinar about long covid. Very disturbing news....
I was going to write a comment asking why these particular authors would be pursuing this particular project, but I see @Andy has already answered...
Completely agree with this post, as the person needs to really understand the issues as opposed to just being an arbitrary patient, however...
Would it be possible to have a few different patients with ME/CFS involved, to represent a diverse range of experiences? Specifically, someone who...
"DxTerity is sponsoring the CHROME study. DxTerity is a Los Angeles-based research company that uses state of the art technologies to analyze DNA...
I have really appreciated your posts about this and it's really important to keep talking about it. It's something that should be easy to grasp.
Same. It would change all of our lives. Has anyone here *not* tried this at some point in their illness? I doubt you will find many patients who...
Additional comment: I have ME/CFS (although was doing really well), so at first I didn't know whether others with long covid were also...
Many people have PEM. Why is this not being looked at? My own life has been devastated by long covid. I know there are many others - a huge number...
I fear that having knowledge or important awareness of context is being interpreted as having "biases". I am concerned about an approach that is...
I am still waiting for them to start asking people if they are experiencing PEM. They are tracking "low mood/not enjoying anything", but not PEM....
Separate names with a comma.