Ignoring the point of the question and latching on to the use of the world "probably"... not exactly following good practice.
Looking forward to how Wyller et al's work will include more representative patient populations going forward than what they have in the past...
There is a puff-piece on the study in a news site for health interested today (paywalled) including an enthusiatic "we could save a lot of money...
For myself I conceptualise sensory stimuli, temperature changes, an infection and other things as different types of exertion for the body. They...
I'm generally mild. With PEM, I have been unable to get to the store two minutes of walking from the apartment we were currently living in. I...
Like @Peter Trewhitt I can experience the more paradoxical aspects of PEM immediately, and I think I am then in "rolling PEM", or PEM has been...
There are studies on translocation of LPS from the gut into the bloodstream in many diseases, including ME/CFS. Also seen during heavy exertion in...
Impressive to say that the treatment used and promoted for decades has been overlooked.
Or that there was a decrease in another activity/"thing that caused exertion" that came at the same time, for example getting a more stable...
@dave30th @Caroline Struthers The official story for Cochrane moving is lack of funding to NIPH.
And so we will have a number of sick children/adults where the food intolerance/allergy is not accepted and they are to be brainwashed into...
That would be correct. Cochrane Norway has moved from FHI/National Institute of Public Health where Flottorp works to "Høgskulen på Vestlandet"....
And if you were to have experience, you will be told (even by healthcare workers) that your worry is due to your experience alone not due to...
I've seen similar accounts as the Lupus one from patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
I think Flottorp and others at FHI at one point (I think as part of the whole issue with getting the Lightning Process trial through the ethics...
I love ours! I got rhinititis during pregnancy, especially in the morning, and my nose was much less stuffy since we got an air purifier in the...
I was talking to some non-Norwegian friends yesterday about reverence for doctor's in different cultures and I was reminded that in Norway we have...
I was so happy when Al-Aly showed up in the middle of that text as at the beginning I was worried Flottorp would get to tell it all her way. Too...
Maybe journalists could start interviewing Kunst instead of Reme when they need someone from psych at UiO. I'd like that very much!
Were you also told to tell others how you recovered? I remember that has been mentioned by other Landmark course participants.
Separate names with a comma.