Yes, thank you! :)
I have a red light therapy device. To me it feels like taking a hot shower, just without the water. I'm not sure it has done anything for my ME,...
Old wine in new bottles ;) @Kalliope Do you have the link to the patient participation info, where the therapy is explained? I remember it was...
@hibiscuswahine There is already an ongoing study at Oslo University on LC and a «mental training programe» where participants are told (among...
For me constant temperature (not too hot) is fine, but going in/out of buildings in winter going from a heated area to cold is taxing. Around here...
I'm also one that struggle to see how one can avoid PEM for such a long time period, as life happens and things can cost more energy despite the...
@chillier I don't think someone with G93.3 necessarily is more severe. If you need contact with the specialist service or not during the process...
Quoting my post from earlier in the thread:
I'm not sure if I want a comment from the clinicians/researchers from the CFS competence centre who recently was in the news saying most patients...
According to a survey by the Norwegian ME Association, the median time from symptom onset to diagnosis in Norway is ~5 years, the mean time is ~8...
Also, something I don't think I saw mentioned when skimming through this: Some of us end up on student loans, which I think would make us...
I've been waiting on this study since I first heard Kielland mention it. Great that it is finally out! Before the current guidelines for...
Countries that don't want to vaccinate children use facts such as "70-90% of children have already been infected" as reasons for not providing the...
An MD student I met during an ethics course was upset that their lecture on fraudulent research and the impact on patients/society was not...
Well one thing I think is happening (in general, not just ME/CFS) is that we are taught to look in the literature (fraught with errors) to find...
We shield as much as we can, ie. masking when indoors, reducing social gatherings, trying to move social gatherings outdoors... asking people to...
The Norwegian dietitian's association has provided support for providing nutritional support for pwME at least (in the hearing for our in-progress...
Garner spoke to someone in Norway @hibiscuswahine (and I saw someone else mention Sweden as well in an earlier post). I just want to clarify that...
The amount of people (also in health care) who use the terms interchangeably anyway is quite high. And a definition of «chronic» is «lasting for...
Funnily enough not cited as much as "this treatment works!" studies that don't use such objective outcome measures.
Separate names with a comma.