So the documents mentioned are what DCC provide their employees as information on ME?
I don’t understand what the DCC documents are. Could someone explain? Thanks for the recap @Nightsong!
I don't know the details on how much the thickness need to change before it becomes a problem, but the increased intestinal permeability is...
On the atrophy of the intestines with TPN, there are studies on morphology of the intestinal wall following a period of TPN feeding, such as this...
Malnutrition isn't, as has been stated in numerous reports from healthcare all over the world. For most it "only" gives longer hospital stays with...
@MSEsperanza With fluid there are f.ex common signs of dehydration to look for, but also doing an interview and calculating how much fluid someone...
Weight measured weekly, together with using a height measurement to look at BMI. This and a short food interview would be most common and easiest...
Total energy expenditure is broken into three: basal metabolic rate (BMR, what is needed to maintain vital functions etc), diet induced...
Diet induced thermogenesis accounts for ~10% of energy requirement in energy requirement calculations.
It is also possible to make one's own feeding solution for enteral feeding, but then one would need to know what has to go in it to fullfill...
Exactly this. Combining what the patient is able to eat themselves with tube feeding is common practice (and then reducing the tube feeding as/if...
The range of feeds are unfortunately limited. For feeds that can be used as the only form of nutrition there are variants that don't increase...
Agreed. Thinking about the belief ME is psychological in nature, the argument about the neurofeedback from the stomach reminds me that for eating...
But the idea about what someone needs can be influenced by beliefs. In this case: do they need psychological support to be able to feed themselves...
I've never seen PEM translated to "Anstrengelsesutløst sykdomsfølelse" before. "Sykdomsfølelse" would translate to "feeling sick", and based on...
Yes, thank you to all who provide us with updates. Much appreciated!!
The stretching of the stomach when it fills sets of some neurons that is among the first satiety signals. But this is again a weird argument when...
Risks to sedation and infection considered with nutrition support, but not risk of not feeding? Taking nursing burden into account with nutrition...
See this post, not lot of information on the PEG, PEJ not mentioned: And yes, these options should have been considered.
Not the worst acronym :laugh:
Separate names with a comma.