. DN Debatt. ”Använd munskydd i publika miljöer och i...
Yes, the reality is very saddening and short-sighted:(. There doesn't seem to have been any long term analysis made before implementing this...
A human monoclonal antibody blocking SARS-CoV-2 infection Abstract The emergence of the novel human coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan, China has...
I couldn't agree more. Opinion piece in Dagens Nyheter:...
Dagens Nyheter:Rehabiliteringen av covid 19-patienter stor utmaning för vården...
Danmarks plan: 300 000 coronatester i veckan "Denmark's plan: 300,000...
The hype seems to be spreading.. Lovande resultat för coronamedicin i stor studie...
Wallensten: Därför har Sverige betydligt högre dödstal än grannländerna...
SVT Nyheter - Infektionsläkaren: Vi måste granska de höga dödstalen i Sverige...
"China: truth in a pandemic. 101 East." "Fighting for truth in covid-19" Great documentary from AlJazeera. About the beginning of the Corona...
Absolutely brilliant! I'm so impressed with your work @Adam pwme, thank you so much! :thumbup::trophy@
Wow, they've really got their priorities right! Yes, that seems like an excellent and productive way to spend taxpayers money... :grumpy::banghead:
I just learned that the seminar has been canceled due to COVID-19 :(. A family member was registered to attend and received a mail about the...
Abstract [en] Background: Taking sick leave (SL) for long-term musculoskeletal pain (MSP), predominantly in the neck, shoulders and back, is...
Of course, they are the essence of biopsychosocial! They would naturally focus on the psychopathology of the person administering the blow to the...
Unbelievable sad to hear! My heart goes out to her friends and family. :cry::cry::cry:
I totally agree and understand that you would want to spread the word about something that's worked for you, and I agree about those evangelical...
Thanks for your post @mango! I agree!! It's very disturbing to read the various statements from these self proclaimed healers, especially when...
Google translation with major errors corrected:
Separate names with a comma.