I would say that PEM necessarily involves some deterioration but deterioration can occur independently of PEM, such as following a new viral...
Though it might seem the literal meaning of the words, in MS it is generally understood that there are periods of getting worse then improving but...
For me ‘relapse’ doesn’t necessarily imply there will be subsequent remission. Further ‘relapsing and remitting’ is used to describe one course of...
I wonder if there needs to be a separate ‘prognosis and course of the condition’ fact sheet in addition to raising these issues under PEM.
Thank you Trish and all involved for this continued banging of your head against the wall that is Cochrane.
I had read this to mean the other 8 (40%) were not contactable, though that doesn’t make sense if it is the case that the researchers only had...
@dave30th has added an new Blog on this study as part of his Trial By Error Series Trial By Error: New Hyped-Up Lightning Process Study from New...
An article from four days ago Will they come for Pub Med next? - Here’s what we lose if the administration take away this invaluable resource see...
Not read the paper itself but how do you control for other sound stimulation outside the experimental setting. This rather like much...
Historically this movement has had connections across academia, academic journals, Health Services and the media, but no formal structure or...
This is definitely the same thinking as a gambler approaches money, it is possible you could make money from betting or from lotteries, some...
Thank you for sharing, there are important debates happening in Sweden which is relevant to the rest of the World.
Shouldn’t changes from the protocol have a further ethical approval as well as being reported and explained in any write up?
@dave30th has written the latest Trial by Error piece on the Virology Blog on this study: Trial By Error: Trudie Chalder Is Co-Author on Another...
Is this a new phenomenon or has it always been a feature of medicine? There seems an enormous desire to use individual treatments for as many...
The MEA or at least Charles Shepherd has always recognised different courses of ME, if I remember correctly stable/improving, relapsing/remitting...
My first thought was should we start a thread to recognise the constructive acts by BACME, but would one post be enough to warrant it. But good...
I had to check that his name was really ‘Brain’, but was disappointed to see it is only ‘Brian’.
I agree, any of the MCAS symptoms, other than Anaphylaxis, could arise in ME/CFS for other reasons. Do we have any specific evidence of people...
I have been taking a 25µg vitamin D tablet daily for several years, I also take a vitamin B complex tablet, vitamin C and generic multivitamin...
Separate names with a comma.