In the past when I was still well enough to work part time, I saw at different times an osteopath and a shiatsu practitioner. I saw the osteopath...
I assume for the very severe any form of massage is counter indicated and would lead to a worsening of their condition.
A few random thoughts: Any model would need to explain the sensory hypersensitivities and food intolerances, though I sometimes wonder if the...
Thank you to everyone who is recording their recollections and perceptions of the event.
Scales based on subjective experiences/sensations are not necessarily linear progressions, as @bobbler has pointed out. It is basic experimental...
Mind it is good you recognise the very very severe exist, here in the UK at times it seems like researchers are not even willing to acknowledge...
Thank you for your perseverance @Caroline Struthers It definitely feels that Cochrane’s refusal to address the issues around the ME/CFS exercise...
Sorry I am not in Australia, but a big shout out that you are including people with severe ME.
Here in the UK the average time to diagnosis is in the region of 6.6 to 7.5 years but for some it can take decades. How the NHS deals with the...
Save us from researchers seeing hope. I see hope in buying a lottery ticket, but it is hardly a [viable] or rational financial strategy. [edited...
I first read it as the ‘role of hairpin in postural orthostatic tachycardia’, so it took a while for me make any sense of this thread.
Thank you @Maat for your contributions, I am currently operating near the upper limit of my cognitive capacity, so am restricted in making useful...
Well done @Dania Ala for sticking with us. I think it betokens an intellectual maturity not necessarily found at a masters level and hopefully...
I disagree that there is no place for ‘qualitative research’. I accept that it can not tell us about cause and effect and it is, even with great...
In another thread @Trish, I think, did an excellent post distinguishing the various post activity fatigue states that are dangerously being...
Presumablely this also suggests that verification in another lab (other labs) and different populations of people with ME/CFS is desirable/necessary.
My GP is wanting to put me on medication for high blood pressure, but I have put it on hold while I try losing some weight and modifying my diet.
Yes, though I don’t always agree with the MEA’s choices and with Charles Shepard’s positions on some issues, the charity and Charles have done a...
The MEA has historically taken the approach that avoiding direct conflict with the establishment will achieve more than sacrificing a good working...
Well washing, makes me think of using well water for actual cleaning. But then my village decidedly doesn’t have a well dressing tradition,...
Separate names with a comma.