So they took it as a therapy session to make themselves feel better about failing at their job, by way of trying to convince themselves they...
This is entirely backward to technology R&D, which is massively more effective than the traditional academic research model. To solve a problem...
I absolutely hate this stupid "fight or flight" crap and long for the day it's never said out loud again outside of weird historical "people used...
So, is psychosis as medically described even a real thing? Rather than likely many things they can't tell apart? If they can't even tell the...
Service assessment of this giant government scam seems to follow the usual (lack of) standard we have seen out of the biopsychosocial school of...
I'm sure there are physicians still clinging to their preferred version of reality, but I meant in the research. I haven't seen a single mention...
"This could have been an email" energy. Good that they are cluing in on things we have told them for decades and are even part of the diagnostic...
So much of this nonsense would simply vanish the day it's possible, if it's possible, to simulate experiences. They're trying so hard to make the...
The deeper problem is that it's simply not possible to do this. There is no 'calibration' here in the typical sense that people understand, like...
I think we can safely use the example of peptic ulcers here to answer categorically that none of this will be relevant. In fact in all the years...
The bigger problem is that they can't be reliably identified, so we can never know what is actually happening. There are no tests or markers for...
Saw this on reddit. The pseudoscience scam industry just keeps growing, enabled both by misinformation on social media and the health care...
Well that's just disingenuous because obviously other than the odd case here and there, people don't randomly do that without a reason. They do...
Being satisfied when nothing was actually accomplished while people who will undo all of it in a week are about to take control, and likely shut...
This obviously has nothing to do with ME/CFS. It's also not surprising that someone is using it for ME/CFS. The incompetence is never...
Same clueless drivel as usual, presented as new. They use words they don't even understand, trying to achieve outcomes that don't even make sense...
Judging by the news from the UK I have seen over the years, I'm pretty sure it has not achieved that purpose, not even a bit. But then again...
Mostly because the part that is assumed to be overactive is the sympathetic one and facts are irrelevant here. Everything has been made to be...
The worst part is that it's not even unique or particular to psychosomatic ideology. Medicine used to be exactly like that, an unregulated...
Unfortunately, the same reaction would greet this study. We have seen this before, it's met with derision and lots of huffing and puffing and...
Separate names with a comma.