This is the bit that the powerful are scared of and trying to bury.
And that increase in risk was for severe childhood trauma. If they are only getting a weak generic effect for the severe end of the abuse...
What @bobbler said. Especially this: There certainly is a psycho-social pathology in play here: extreme psychopathophilia.
I am a bit alive, though mostly just existing.
It is bizarre just how backwards they have it. After four decades of watching it in action it still takes my breath away. Kinda seems relevant...
CBT requires the assumption that the therapist has some grand sweeping view of and insight into the entire human condition, a neutral place from...
It is not like we have much choice. Our bodies let us know in no uncertain terms. It does.
What patients need is not detailed planning and micro-management. They need the flexibility to adjust their activity pattern as required. Which is...
We do not know the cause of ME/CFS, but our fatigue service can address the factors that cause fatigue symptoms to persist and reduce their impact...
Another fine piece of work condensing the critical facts into a short readable and punchy form, @ME/CFS Skeptic. Thank you. :thumbup:
Does belief in functional brain aberration predict having functional brain aberration?
There is crap. And then there is something like this, which makes the standard crap look and smell good. Maybe that is its purpose.
Naughty @Trish and her selective citing. She 'forgot' these critical papers: . . . . . . . and, of course, the classic seminal study from Wonky,...
It's psych! It's not psych! Too late, Sir Simon Says. This is the drearily predictable fruits of your decades of reckless unrestrained...
The Goldilocks Theory of Managing ME. Requiring, of course, the help of an expensive expert to guide you down the Healthy Path of Moderation. If...
Me too. I think the forum should consider formally requesting AfME that the S4ME reference is either withdrawn, or rewritten to accurately...
It is crystal clear that nothing is going to change while those responsible for creating the catastrophe are allowed to remain in charge. Which is...
'for those who choose to increase their activity' They are perpetuating the dishonest, cruel, and gutless psycho-drama morality-play framing....
Separate names with a comma.