I think the fact that any kind of exertion can cause/trigger PEM strongly suggests that whatever the underlying primary problem is it must be...
Doesn't even need to be overhead, though that is the worst position. Holding them horizontal is also a problem. Any activity that requires arms...
You might be thinking of the article from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) on 'incremental exercise' for ME/CFS,...
CBT is the most studied treatment, with promising effects for patients with, for example, chronic fatigue syndrome, After 35 years of dominance...
Worth repeating. The real situation is so bad and deeply entrenched that is difficult to get those unfamiliar, and even some familiar, with it to...
Or your 'moral' character. You know, choosing not to get better, and enjoy those wonderful secondary gains.
Definitely worth looking into. :thumbsup:
That is my reading of it. the paediatricians in the current study commonly reported the engagement of other disciplines, particularly...
No doubt the psychosomatic club will spin any outcome to suit their purposes. But the rest of the world might not be as accepting of that fairy...
Fair question. In fairness, it has the potential to cut the other way. If a biological mechanism is found for ME/CFS, and it correlates strongly...
Which could be interpreted as non-pathological compensatory or displacement movements. (Not sure of the correct terminology.) I occasionally get...
To judge the appropriateness of distress requires a God-like view of the human experience and condition, which no individual or group can ever...
What could possibly go wrong?
Seems a very complicated and less than honest way of saying: We don't know.
Exactly. If one was looking for 'perpetuating psycho-social factors' in conditions like ME/CFS, this iatrogenic crap and its consequences...
The prevalence numbers are going to be flaky until we get more accurate and precise diagnostic criteria.
The one trick pony is back in town.
The blindingly obvious problem being, of course, that this kind of list of 'symptoms' is exactly what you would expect to see in a child who has a...
And it could be virtually gaslighted and ignored.
so we can’t parade — but we can lounge in style. :D
Separate names with a comma.