Of course its much harder to achieve but if we stick to science and let them steamroll us with counterfactual smears and lies then we will have an...
Indeed, i also hope for internal questioning and hopefully internal action that bends towards reality
But the lawyer is probably the bigger fish here, editors are just as susceptible to institutional and political pressure otherwise we would not...
Do the paper's lawyers and editors know about this potential manipulation yet?
I disagree If humans were rational this would be a great method. But they are not, emotion overrides reality. The reality deniers know this, they...
They are in survival mode, their house of cards is under attack and to them its an attack on their value and even livelihoods They believe...
For the past year, Ann felt as if she had been dealing with an overwhelming set of medical problems. Nearly 30 years earlier she developed...
“I guess it’s my time,” the 50-year-old man said quietly as his wife drove him home from his doctor’s office in southwest Houston. “No,” his wife...
Lets hope she is not actually dying.
Not so many centuries ago illness of any kind was viewed as punishment from God for your sins. And this could not be disproven in most cases...
This is the point, they want to make us look bad by association which makes them the visionaries toiling in the face of insurmountable odds. They...
But this is exactly what they are doing, they are claiming threats have been made as a tactic to discredit us and legitimate science. It would be...
Of course their goal in this is to side rail us and keep people from taking us seriously. They are using a lesson from politics, if you keep...
Thats the thing, their side is using claims of threats as an excuse to harm patients. If they were to actually get one it would be used as proof...
Ah, we are talking about different incidences here, my bad Thats one way bullies keep themselves on top, by pretending to be the real victims and...
Was there not a situation a while back where they claimed to receive threats but could not furnish any evidence?
If they have actually received such threats they should have to keep records and better yet show them to the Police for followup action. If they...
This article is very interesting. What we don't know about sleep is far greater then what we do know so far. Just in the last decade we have...
That is the point, they are the experts we should defer to and they can never make mistakes If they do they will be protected because if their...
There was, i had mentioned it. And that quote is completely correct, i could name several examples from recent news but it would bring politics...
Separate names with a comma.