Yikes Has anyone made a master list of the rare disorders that have been diagnosed as ME? Might be a good idea that new patients can have...
Yalls are crazy, eh? :emoji_wink: @OP, perhaps we could rejig the study to make it ME accurate, if thats allowed (and the forum or posters get...
I have severe non 24, i sleep for 9-11 hour stretches but it moves forward currently about an hour a day. I used to be at 2 hours a month 3 or 4...
I have non 24 hour circadian rhythm disorder, likely caused by ME, as it gets worse the body clock gets worse. Before my ME was diagnosed i did a...
How do you know this?
Short answer: Think of it like religious devotion Long answer, it would take a lot of spoons but the short long answer is that once people choose...
They probably think your a headache and if you would just go away they could get ME cured. The weirdest part of ideological obsession is how...
I know what you mean, i had to push myself to start but once i was going it was easier. Also at some level of PEM threshold i would get a second...
Great article :) My first thought was i would love to see this published on Vox. I wonder if they might have any interest in ME/CFS? Anyone know...
The stroke possibility should be checked. That said my first thought was cataplexy which is a symptom of narcolepsy. Its unlikely you have...
It does sound similar to kidney stones. The pain may not be exactly the same as last time but its worth getting checked for just in case.
Lots of lower back pain. Indirectly caused by ME. My chiropractor says i have weak core muscles and that can't be fixed until i can strengthen...
Thanks for pinging me on this one I gotta read this when i have cognitive functioning I'm gonna run it past my sleep neurologist when i see him...
Sorry to hear about this :( This sounds much like my first 3 studies. At least you don't have to deal with a CPAP machine. I had a 4th study a few...
You can take K2 till you go bankrupt it won't do any harm. Except to your pocketbook Its best to stick to D3. You can also add A to create more...
Heres a better resolution, shut down.
Thats clever :eek: As i posted in the MEAction thread It seems their real goal is to divide and conquer, by pretending they are on our side they...
High B12 has not been found to be harmful. As for your floaters i can't say if its related or coincidental. I take 1000mcg methylcobalamin daily....
So in other words they are creating a fake Mexican standoff by saying there is no one good enough to do research hence we won't fund new research...
Egads, this needs to be remedied with a testing protocol developed. How were they finally diagnosed?
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