Contribution of childhood lead exposure to psychopathology in the US population over the past 75 years Michael J. McFarland, Aaron Reuben, Matt...
They studied respiratory failure, not really long COVID here, but there will be a study of the same medication, anakinra, for long COVID, based on...
Early treatment of COVID-19 with anakinra guided by soluble urokinase plasminogen receptor plasma levels: a double-blind, randomized controlled...
Safety and Efficacy of Anakinra Treatment for Patients With Post Acute Covid Syndrome (PRECISION) Description People with COVID-19 might have...
Main takeaways Armstrong's lab thinks there may be links between neuroinflammation, hormone production, and cerebral blood flow in ME/CFS, long...
For what it's worth, this study compared to sedentary controls. Though I imagine even people who barely leave the house would probably be sitting...
I really enjoy taking notes on videos and summarizing, so here's for the above video: Main takeaways Ron Davis discusses a project at OMF...
I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but there is a case report of a fluroquinolone antibiotic inducing something that sounds like PEM:
2:04:32 Michael Peluso–LIINC Updates, Expansion of LIINC to ME/CFS, Targeting the SCV2 Resevoir in Long COVID Clinical Trial Main takeaways:...
Good catch. I contacted the author who confirmed that the statement in the abstract is a typo. It should say "which did not reach the p < 0.05...
Criteria is 1988 Holmes. This paper is interesting because it looked at 10 people with ME/CFS whose illness was immediately preceded by an acute...
Antibody responses to Epstein-Barr virus, human herpesvirus 6 and human herpesvirus 7 in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome T Sairenji, K...
A USA long term disability lawyer who specializes in ME/CFS is answering questions on Reddit. [MEDIA]
Maximal oxygen uptake, pulmonary function and walking economy are not impaired in patients diagnosed with long COVID OK Berg, N Aagård, J...
Structural and Oxygen Metabolic Magnetic Resonance Imaging of long-COVID and ME/CFS Xiang Xu, Puneet Belani, Dengrong Jiang, Rodophe Leforestier,...
Post-COVID Fatigue Relates to Bioenergetic Dysfunctions in the Posterior Cingulate Gyrus Hye Bin Yoo, Hyeong Hun Lee, Serene Huang, and Jeong...
Another presentation at this conference: Investigation of hippocampal subfield volumes in long COVID and ME/CFS using 7T MRI Kiran Thapaliya,...
Assessment of Functional connectivity in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome using 7Tesla MRI Maira Inderyas, Kiran Thapaliya,...
Detection of herpes viruses in patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis /chronic fatigue syndrome in Belarus Svetlana Orlova, Galina Rudjko, Olga...
Separate names with a comma.