June 2022
https://www.northerncarealliance.nhs.uk/our-services/me-cfs-management-programme/introduction Awful, and an illustration of how the word...
2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)/ Myalgic Encephalopathy (ME) Management Programme Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust 2021. Web version. Review...
Yes. Also, the UK patient charities could be loudly and bluntly be saying, "look at the waste of money. These services are achieving nothing, in...
It's interesting that Nath was feeling so strongly about this back in 2022, he was so convinced of a pathology, and seems to have maintained his...
And this is in a country that is so wealthy. It could ensure that all of its citizens have a reasonable quality of life. It absolutely could be...
Thanks for sharing that @Yann04, things sound terrible. It's amazing that even a nurse who could demonstrate that she got Covid-19 relatively...
Here's the thread for the guideline process: Australia: National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC): Development of ME/CFS guidelines
It's an interesting idea. It's a bit hard to square with people getting ME/CFS on their second or third SARS-CoV-2 infections though - there have...
Interesting videos, thanks @Dakota15. I note that there's not a whiff of BPS theories, nothing about effort preference or a need for behavioural...
There's mention of Recover VITAL, a trial of paxlovid and ritonvair. It's an odd clinical design. Treatment 1 - 25 days of paxlovid Treatment 2...
Good to see some separation of symptom groups e.g. ME/CFS, Dysautonomia, Cardiopulmonary, Musculoskeletal... But the ME/CFS one is Fatigue and...
Thanks for posting it. I think it's an interesting example of the mess the chronic pain literature is in. There's a bit of waffle in there about...
@Elaenor, why did you post this paper? Has it been cited somewhere? Female mean perception of pain at their individual heat pain threshold =...
Yeah, there is nothing about the temperatures of the heat pain thresholds! For what it is worth, the females did indeed rate the pain at their...
This study is not what I thought it was. They first establish a heat pain threshold (HPT) for each participant. Then: VAS is visual analogue...
Small sample size and any study of this type is going to be confounded by culture e.g. 'it's manly to ignore pain'.
We are a bit constrained with moderation staff right now, but if someone can find the relevant threads and send me them in a conversation message,...
That's a low proportion the people with Long Covid. I wonder if the requirement to meet the three criteria and the interpretations of each...
Here's the website for the process. https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/health-advice/me-cfs And the timeline Planning and Governance - September 2024 to...
Separate names with a comma.