Interesting to read those views on ME/CFS from 1989 - they all could pretty much have been written yesterday. They are letters to the BMJ about...
Others have already commented about the results given for pain and fatigue. The result for physical function also seems to be a problem...
There's a lot in what you say @Nightsong, but actually I think the benefit of GRADE, which is admittedly limited, is that it provides a structure...
Link to the RNZ item today: Rohan...
On misrepresentation, this sentence, which I discussed in a post above, is an example of the bias of the authors. They make it seem that three...
Radio National - Saturday morning Last Saturday, there was an interview of Dr Toby Hillman (of the UK)...
Yes, there are and will be more apps for that - relatively low cost and easily rolled out to give the appearance of doing something. The people...
Perceptions of prevalence and management of [PASC] among healthcare workers in Kweneng District, Botswana, 2024, Mamalelala+ Interesting about the...
An interesting paper, thanks for posting it @SNT Gatchaman.
So, hospitalised patients only, symptoms persistence at least 12 weeks. The hospitalisation means that it is particularly likely to be all sorts...
Prognostic Factors for Post-COVID-19 Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Clinical and Epidemiological Research Unit, University...
The study assessed the evidence for age, sex and four co-morbidities: Four comorbidities were included: pulmonary disease (n = 4), diabetes (n =...
Age, Sex and Previous Comorbidities as Risk Factors Not Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Infection for Long COVID-19: A Systematic Review and...
54 960 participants Six percent (3193 participants) reported a positive SARS-CoV-2 test result during follow-up (1-47 weeks after baseline)...
One thing that is obvious already is that, despite acknowledging that 'long covid' is heterogenous, the authors seem to want to treat all the...
Assertion 1: (This assertion is important, because if people who get Long Covid get it because of mental health problems, there might be a...
I'm wondering why this Long Covid review wasn't done under the Cochrane banner. Similarly for the alternative CFS/ME guideline that the above...
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