I'm not sure what this sentence is saying. 'Complex' can be a code word for 'biopsychosocial' and 'psychosomatic'. Also, we don't really know...
I regularly buy a ticket in the NZ Heart Foundation lottery, it's a raffle ticket essentially, with the main prize being a house. It has better...
Announcement of their 2025 conference - follow the arrow in the quote title to the thread
On that Jeffrey et al thread, there were some accounts of improvement while on anti-coagulants: @Andy noted his experience with injected...
This study on long Covid risk factors Deriving and validating a risk prediction model for long COVID, 2023, Jeffrey et al found that parenteral...
There have been a number of case studies suggesting anti-coagulants are useful treatments for long Covid, and a number of doctors are prescribing...
Yes. I don't think it's hard - just respond to the needs and concerns expressed? Recognise that there are things that need to be better and make...
Yes, as Kitty says, there are organisations that help identify grants, things like disability service hubs. Even just internet searches can throw...
Problem A solution might be for charities to consider dropping the membership fee altogether. Even just the admin is a friction for potential...
I remember hearing a researcher a few months ago who was associated with the Dunedin prospective study that followed a sample of over 1000...
As noted in the first post of this thread: 2021 Appointment of Professor Leslie Findley to be patron of the MEA - starts here, notice of his...
The moderation team split the discussion of the MEA's governance issues from the news from this organisation. Discussion about MEA governance...
I'm sorry that your proposal didn't land on more receptive ground @ME/CFS. I hope other funding can be found for it. Edit: SNAP! @Trish, but I'll...
Yes, jumping the gun, but just noting here that the CDC content, along with the NICE guideline, are the two sources I find most useful when having...
Two different isoforms. I just found this in passing, I haven't looked into it. Role of C-Reactive Protein at Sites of Inflammation and Infection
That's interesting. It would be good to know if she has been public about still having Long covid. So she wrote opinion pieces with Vogt?
I think this is a good point. I believe that 'pacing' is a term used in rehabilitation, and 'pacing up' is part of the concept in that context....
As I've said elsewhere, a terrific article by @Trish. On Creekside's point about pacing not needing professional guidance, maybe just a pamphlet....
Thank you @bicentennial Your question made me think. It was a useful question.
Again, I think they could have used the input of people with ME/CFS. PEM does not necessarily persist 'for weeks and even longer'. It depends on...
Separate names with a comma.