Exactly, the theory doesn't add up. A lot of ME patients have participated in their own deterioration due to working, plus caring for themselves...
Looks like what's going on to me. NHS Improvements even stated themselves if challenged on the grounds of ethics they can refer to the...
Even worse than that is NICE is currently creating a brain injury guideline that includes FND. So far from what I've read, sequelae brain injury...
This is what I also meant about FND appearing to take over microscopic brain injury which causes impaired neurological functioning of the brain....
Along with everyone else you have raised very important points. For now, I'd like to find out how patients with PEM are treated, which may...
In this case, the arm raising exercise isn't to do with the degradation of body parts. It's to do with a lowered anaerobic threshold (AT)...
Defo want to find something that works. Admittedly it does sound similar to GET, but my specialist also suggests all activities to be done under a...
That is what I was expecting to take place. But that's not the current feedback. I think the CGGs need to work out fatigue clinic service...
Me or my family will now investigate specialist sports medicine centres to gain insight about what happens there as that is where concussion...
We must all have the same life! My GP can try roping in a specialist but given all this ‘it will take time’ talk from NICE, I’m not sure what’s...
I'm hoping they will have a neurological approach instead of a biopsychosocial one and experience with similar conditions will help them interpret...
It doesn't make sense for the guideline to be reviewed by the panel unless they overlooked significant higher costs than initially considered...
I spoke to a 'Specialist Rehab Medicine Service'. ME is classified as a neuro condition, so I opted to talk to a neuro-rehab service. I asked if...
So far, I understand that there are two types of injury: visible structural damage and non-visible cellular structural damage. The non-visible...
There are also reported cases of COVID 19 causing ABI. This could be another reason why ME and LC appear similar....
Royal Free Hospital fatigue clinic now includes the term Myalgic Encephalopathy (ME) which is said to be a better name....
I think there may be a few conditions which are like fibromyalgia. Coincidently, I came across a medical article yesterday morning about a patient...
It will be interesting to find out. Brain injury patients are a mixed cohort as there are several causes. Plus, location, severity and type of...
Thanks for creating this thread @Hutan I have quite a lot to say about the similarities, and it's great to have a dedicated place for everyone to...
I've got access to my fatigue clinic notes, I've yet to read through them properly but so far it's filled with reference to my central nervous...
Separate names with a comma.