The question is who is going to do it? The responses to the coroner's section 28 report sounded as if NICE might finally engage but I am not sure...
Exactly. But if physicians insist that the ME/CFS is of sound mind then they do not get the option of a psychiatric ward. It is all totally...
AN of course being anorexia nervosa. I am aware that things are far from ideal for AN patients but at least it is recognised that they need...
The video covers a lot of useful ground and in general I think is a very good resource. I would question the reference to 'energy' and of course...
Not yet. I had better have a look. I think the sticking point is actually something different and it may be important for people like Helen...
I can see that is a possible reading of things. But it fails to explain why the 2014 was motivated, since the other changes do not seem to be...
It seems that articles filed at CH are not necessarily the 'legal' ones, but if the same articles were posted on the MEA website and no...
But these changes are supposed to be in a version that was 'incorrect' and not what was decided in 2014! If they do not appear in the 'real'...
Agreed. But over a period of ten to twenty years it is remarkably easy to misremember some aspect of events and to proceed for years firmly of...
It is possible. But why work on a new draft in 2014 at all - if bar the mistake it was as before? Clause 4 (which relates to 28) was also changed,...
What still puzzles me is why there seems to have been a deliberate effort to re-write the Articles in 2014 and yet we are being told that the...
Indeed. 'Osteoarthritis' is pretty much a joke diagnosis anyway. Everyone over 60 qualifies for it. Fibromyalgia is understood to have major...
The problem is, @Tilly, that there are no such data. I am not aware of any evidence for these conditions contributing to decline in ME/CFS. We...
I think it is merely a reflection of the fact that at the political level, as well as the policy-building level nobody involved actually knows...
"exhaustion at the molecular level remains poorly defined and inconsistent across the literature." Seems to sum it up.
Yet in 2013 the MEA seemed to be happy to propose they could be paid for any services as long as they stood out for the contract decisions - and...
I may be totally ignorant of charity admin but my thought is that contracting to provide services worth tens of thousands of pounds is not...
Physio Meets Science seems to be a German commercial outfit providing physio 'educational' materials.
I am beginning to think that I should have listened a bit more to Peter White.
I am still unclear. My reading is that nobody filed anything incorrect. It seems more like someone 'forget' what had been deliberately filed, for...
Separate names with a comma.