The plans for factsheets are already the right approach I think. Medical education should provide reliable background information from which...
Well its only the Istanbul Medical Journal
They seem tone confusing the modern concept of fibromyalgia with the 1970s concept of 'fibrositis' - which was largely used to describe trapezius...
I have no idea who is behind these questions but they are entirely inappropriate as a clinical teaching tool. They are largely make believe. Real...
This is a nice exposition of the way we are taught now to think of things but the basic math of a world with three symmetrical dimensions...
Maybe that will teach 'top Yale scientists' to be a bit more cautious about tweeting their findings using these immuno-buzzwords. If you find some...
Yes, I did, because the 'electric field' is a component of the EM field. I don't see any reason for that to cause confusion. Whether or not...
Was anyone suggesting that? I have rather lost track. Not necessarily. As you know electromagnetic field effects can be very frequency...
Strictly speaking there is an electron field and an electromagnetic field of which the electric component is probably all that is relevant for...
It is very simple. Consciousness is rich input. Silicon gates never have more than two input bits.
This is an interesting argument that has been going the rounds for at least a century. I think it obscures something important. A completely...
But if you think about it all those wavelengths are calibrated by people's qualia. Most of the time brains work very similarly so we can assume...
This is the old Dennett behaviourist chestnut. Einstein says it differently. Indeed, there are no things, just events you want to predict the...
There is no reason why complexity of a system should be needed to create a thought as far as I can see. I thought must be based on an event...
This is important but it needs to be fleshed out precisely. All physical events are partially indeterministic at the fundamental single dynamic...
Yes it is conveyed on the signals. The key point is that an individual neutron receives maybe 100 or 1000 signals all together as a pattern and...
It will, for sure, whether intended or not. Thinly thing that the plan could fund specifically is a hospital based physician run outpatient plus...
No, it was the Google definition and the one I am used to. It can occur after drug therapies or car crashes or burns or whatever. In fact it is a...
Hyperinflammation is usually used to imply cytokine storm with shock, intravascular coagulation, respiratory distress, renal failure etc. None...
Separate names with a comma.