I am not terribly optimistic; I heard Dr Moreau in Montreal on a radio programme; he believes this is spectrum condition, with many conditions/or...
Isn't this a bit bizarre? Certainly reduced REM sleep will cause issues, but generating PEM from say brushing your teeth?? Has he done sleep...
And is there anyone working on this?
Yes, Milo, I hear what you are saying very well. Many folks with ME have severe GI problems which lead to days upon days of pain. Many are so sick...
Thanks, real thanks, are due to all those here (and elsewhere) who worked so hard, so tirelessly, so passionately, to get the govt of Canada to...
My daughter had a minor surgery, it became infected, the hospital gave her several IV antibiotics, and she picked up Clostrium difficile in the...
Maybe this fellow should try living for one month with a severely ill patient.
Dear Helen Wonderful news you recount. My daughter did not have this luck as I wrote above; she reacted poorly to the medication, and it did not...
Dear Mij Some folks don't have an energy envelope; they are bed bound, and becoming worse.
Dear Keela, your improvement is really stunning, you know. Why did the doctor give you this drug? What was the thinking? Thank you.
Just a digression, but has anyone here been helped by the Perrin technique? What is the general opinion of this approach? Thanks.
Yes, Doka, yes. I will now post what JFK said, and the time line he made. =================== I therefore ask the Congress, above and beyond the...
Willow, what a voice of reason you are; you are making my day. Why has this not been thought of before. I am rather over satiated with conferences...
Thank you dear Doka Girl for your encouraging words. Thank you. The treatments have all been tried on our end; and they are not really effective....
If that is the case, how can it be solved?. If it is some tragic combination of genetics, birth defects, hormones, environment, toxicity, stress,...
You are indeed correct: 'we found this, this, this, and this.' Then in three months at another conference, again: there is this and this and that....
After reading and reflecting on this thread, the obvious unarticulated questions are: and how many more decades will it take to arrive at...
Yes, you get what you pay for. During the aids crisis Hollywood was even on board to help. The whole world as on alert. And with this, and the...
http://www.meaction.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/19_MEA_Revised_2019_Research_Summary_190610.pdf are all these studies also not worth much?...
After reading this thread, am I to conclude that ME research is still rather paltry? Still in real infancy? Still really floundering? Still...
Separate names with a comma.