Agree, Javid's announcements are encouraging indeed. Apologies if I missed it, but I just think it's a pity that S4ME doesn't seem to be on the...
Now found it - was before the pause: Ingrid Torjesen: Exclusive: Four members of NICE’s guideline committee on ME/CFS stand down | The BMJ...
The disabled were the first group that were systematically murdered by the Nazis and also the first whom the Nazis killed by gas. I think the...
Thank you Adam. Currently too unwell to check myself, but my impression is the misleading implication that the 3 resignations occurred before...
Link to the preview here (Wait a couple of seconds until the preview window will pop up.) Preview includes table of contents (with authors'...
Thank you @Brian Hughes and @dave30th And a first comment on the reply to the reply: Brian Hughes, The Science Bit:...
Addition to 2) Also request an official inquiry into the SMC's handling of the ME/CFS 'controversy.
Agree with @Esther12 . I think writing to the SMC board and advisory board would be highly worthwhile. Not sure about a complaint to the SMC...
And there's also a youtube interview by Skeptics in the Pub Online Beyond the Hype: The Inside Story of Science’s Biggest Media Controversies -...
I'm cautious to say anything before I'll have seen the chapter on ME, but what an irony to use that Niemöller quote as reference to the PACE...
Availability of Fiona Fox's book... Most libraries won't have it yet, but those are the ones I found that seem to have e-books that can be...
The study had a very small number of participants, so hard to draw any conclusions I think. (CSF was taken only from 13 particpants out of the 22...
Just realized that I worded some similar/ related thoughts last year for the UK Priority Setting Partnership for ME: I think I would word this...
I wonder if neuropsychology/ cognitive psychology could also help developing a diagnostic tool for PEM, similar to the idea of the CPET 2days...
Thanks all for your interesting replies. So cognitive dysfunction in ME/CFS won't be classified as 'neuropsychiatric' but could be classified...
If they only meant to exclude people who had ME already before Covid and they wanted to have a sample only with Covid-triggered PEM symptoms (that...
I missed that announcement from February. But I don't understand how we could be involved in the development of the study if those recruitment...
Re-tweeted by Edzard Ernst: Millions Missing Finland on Twitter: "Iso-Britannian terveysministeri @sajidjavid: "ME-sairaudesta ei tiedetä...
Cognitive symptoms are usually categorized as psychological or psychiatric or if the cause is clearly neurological, as neuropsychiatric. For...
Apologies for just popping in, couldn't read further through the thread when I saw this: Hillary Johnson: "I did a podcast with the gracious...
Separate names with a comma.