The Daily Mail also covered it... Google translate link:...
For media coverage of ME awareness day, statements of solidarity etc see: Too unwell at the moment to follow the...
German Association for ME/CFS (Deutsche Gesellschaft für ME/CFS) on Twitter: "German government allocates 5 mio. € to clinical treatment trials...
'' doesn't work for me either, but this one does:
Interesting. So do you suggest most rheumatologists don't think exercise and physical therapy are effective additional treatments for RA? Or do...
Haven't read yet, but.... .... this worries me too. All the more as all the co-authors seem to be some of the most active proponents of...
Authors' affiliations include: Neuroinflammation Group, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Macquarie...
Dr Satoshi Akima FRACP 『秋間聰』 on Twitter: „There has been a lot of talk about microthrombosis (“microclots”) in #LongCOVID, along with the usual...
Thought this discussion might be relevant for the question how to deal with the problem that the term 'fatigue' has such a variety of meanings and...
I echo others' thoughts expressed also on other threads on why the name of the disease is not the primary issue that needs to be addressed at the...
Hope it's OK to copy this from the News in Brief as I think it's not only of regional relevance: Germany - Zeit Online has a long article on...
Yes it's an appalling document as it shows the unwillingness of a regional medical association (*) to investigate further about the illness. They...
Another important point to discuss further I think.
Thanks, Jonathan. Your expert testimony is already included in the submisson's references: "The problem of bias due to non-blinding of study...
This is not encouraging. Is this only a reaction you experienced when ME was involved, or was it a general attitude towards patients? if the...
Not really able to comment at the moment but I think it's worthwhile to discuss further on these two points in particular. Another point I'd like...
In place of a screenshot: Right-click on the time stamp at top left of the news article & click 'save link'. Edit (had confounded top and...
Separate names with a comma.