Apologies for just popping in for that off-topic aspect: Good point. I think every medical discipline also deals with non-structural illness/...
From another thread: Maybe would be good to have such a survey filled in by pwME/ carers in addition, to corroborate/ contrast with the results...
Adding to post above on points 1 f) & 2.: Maybe in a second step this model could include doing some basic research, too.
Thank you Jonathan for doing this and everyone who's contributing. Only able to have a very cursory read so apologies for not quoting some of the...
Does anyone have a link to the archived 2007 guideline or saved a copy? In this thread I could only find the minutes of the 2007 gl committee and...
Patient sample is the remainder of 12 patients in the initial study: Deep Phenotyping of Neurologic Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection...
(Apologies once again for just popping in -- and thank you to everyone who reported on the coroner's summary)
From skimming it seems that the coroner only considered the effect of ME on nutrition but not the other way round. Maybe that was also the...
Article now peer-approved. https://www.qeios.com/read/T9SXEU.2 (Sorry not able to check whether any edits have been made.)
Where there rapid responses to the rebuttal too? Or do you mean the two RR to the anomalies paper? The latter are still there:...
Paywall now installed again. PDF still accessible via web.archive:...
Copied from another thread and apologies if that has been discussed elsewhere: How is the nutritional status assessed? Question prompted by......
Not sure if that needs a registration at research gate? If so, for citation you could instead use the gift link to the PDF on bmj provided here...
@Robert 1973 Thank you for considering writing a comment on Miler's Observer/Guardian piece. Interesting. I probably last checked in May or...
Still I think it's possible that individual patients with ME/CFS can get all sort of structural issues as a random comorbidity too -- be it...
[Q Thank you for sharing your thoughts on how to proceed with your Qeios article in light of recent developments. Looking forward to seeing...
Sure, like e.g. severe morning sickness in pregnancy? Edit: But even if inability to eat was 'functional' -- no reason to let patients die!
No, as he said: just biased reasoning from his and his friends' "clinical experience"
Repeating that same argument over and over again doesn't make it more reasonable. 1. It doesn't change the evidence on CBT / behavioral...
So the "if offered earlier" seems to be key? Also wondering if in the UK getting a place at a Hospice was an option -- at an earlier stage for...
Separate names with a comma.