Cortical autonomic network connectivity predicts symptoms in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) IntJPsychophysiol 2021...
That so called "evidence" is not credible, its the worst kind of handwaving based on self reporting questionnaires etc. Not a shred of empirical...
The grandiose style, callous attitude, distorted idiom and occasional malapropism and spelling mistake distract from the fact this is unproven...
OK, sounds odd, thanks for the link and digest. I am not feeling fully functional right now. Will add that to the "awaiting replication" pile.
Has anyone linked Harville & Arthurs' findings in Arkansas yet? Dr Fluks just piped this through his feed....
Re thread title IMHO it depends what the cause of ME is for any individual. I can only speak for myself but I believe I have had COVID twice and...
Well I am probably being paranoid but even among PWME ideas like this can be insidious memes and we need to be very careful about this kind of...
Yes, they used to blame cancer on stress, ulcers, you name it. This is just the same old rigmarole of self serving psycho-shamans elbowing their...
I dont like this much. There is a lot of unsubstantiated theory flying around about stress and ME onset even in ME circles. MEActions MEPedia...
It nearly got my neighbour who has just come back from hospital. This whole strategy is dicing with death. I tend to agree with this. IMHO we...
Something else, to suggest that thinking about longcovid can give you long covid is itself a neurotic idea. Which suggests that Vogt is being...
But parents and children need to be aware of the risks of longcovid so they can make an informed decision about vaccination. It reminds me of a...
I agree its cruel but doubt that it is exceptional. Consider the inquisition, holocaust, pogroms, Serbia, Rwanda, Uighur, slavery. It is human...
Yet they found correlations distinguishing the infective vs non CFS groups and assuming for the moment this is not itself due to bias, which one...
If you take this and apply it to longcovid, we have a duty to try to prevent this kind of outcome for a new wave of patients. Its good the ME...
Yes in theory but in my experience it depends on the decision maker, mine just rubber stamped a flawed initial assessment which had several...
@Agapanthus it sounds like you need to provide your own independent medico-legal report from a private psychiatrist, one you choose, not NHS.
The preventing PIP expiry explanation for extensions does make sense. I received a year's extension until this time next year (July'22) and then...
Take that psychobabblers !!!
I think exertion triggers an inflammatory process in the brain for some people Rosie. If I rest I avoid the inflammatory process which produces...
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