I dont know if this has been covered but this looks like the right thread to mention that Dr William Weir has expressed an opinion on longcovid as...
Cheers !
In 25 mins it will be just right then!
I put a post up with link on Phoenix Rising Fundraising subforum because there wasn't one. I said there was one day to go, I hope that was right?
Its a shame the deadline is not apparent from the crowdfunding page. Knowing that its ending prompts people to give now if they are going to...
Thanks @Tom Kindlon ... if you take it at face value he has had a taste of it hasnt he? But he was apparently not chronic, just medium...
Well, one would like to make excuses and believe this was intended to be a friendly treatment but not at the cost of ignoring reality IMHO the...
I have experienced both good and bad psychotherapy. Good was MIND charity at the drop in center where I was volunteering. Bad was a new age...
Mais oui. Lived experience, though not an empirical method, has in recent times been used to convey the idea that what people experience and how...
I agree but feel we have to be careful about that since his reference to his own narrative alludes clumsily to the lived experience argument,...
Transcribing Garner's words. Ostensibly the first part of this is not objectionable, I think we should all want scientific research to be done,...
Is it just me, does this even make sense? It appears to be self contradictory, garbled.
That is an interesting point because, if that was the study referred to, it was used in such a way it reinforced Garner and Singh's GET statements...
Response to Newsnight item on treatment of long Covid https://www.actionforme.org.uk/news/response-to-newsnight-item-on-treatment-of-long-covid/...
Well done thanks Tom and everyone. Sounds like its just me being ignorant then, I guess I should be apologising. We really do need this kind of...
OK I am in, FYI did not even realise this was going on. Maybe I do kind of live under a rock and have the attention span of a gnat but might be...
Nice one Brian :)
Sorry, I should have said project not tenure. I will correct it, dont want to give the wrong impression. I think the dean's suggestion was...
I am very grateful to Berkeley for giving us this opportunity. Berkeley has a storied reputation in the struggle for justice, on the battlefield...
Is one of mine... :thumbup:
Separate names with a comma.