I think the motivation for expressing this kind of perspective is not primarily scientific integrity. I consider this kind of approach to...
I dont know but when I googled it a lot of people were saying their second jab caused a stronger reaction because the first one primed their...
End of day 3 and I am happy to report the headache and fluey symptoms have gone, still have even lower stamina than usual but the site of...
I had AZ yesterday midday. Was OK for 12 hours, until this morning, woke early with a sore arm, gradually intensifying headache and felt very...
Dr Paul Cheney had a theory that desaturation is not occurring at tissues in PWME due to blood alkalinity in response to intracellular acidosis....
I completely sympathise with feeling too stuffed to mount a campaign, been trying to find the ergs to change my bed clothes for the last week but...
Or their agenda. Capture of academia is a well recognised process alongside regulatory capture, historically people have been secretively paid to...
I am not disputing aluminium is toxic and not recommended as an adjuvant IMHO but vaccine aluminium exposure pales beside exposure from...
I am still not sure about the degree of Garners personal vulnerability and do not want to descend into ad hominem polemics. I suspect the turning...
I posted my opinion to that article in English. Initially it appeared to be published but now I cannot see it. For the record this was the text...
I think this anti-vDUTP response is a marker for HHV activity, which is indicative of a subtype of ME CFIDS, of the particular type I have, where...
BPS crew are trying to market perverse cruelty. 50 shades of derp. The question is, who will be running the four studies worth £18.5m?...
There is no doubt it needs study and experimentation for ME. Wondering what kinds of mistakes psychologists can make to foul up the treatment of...
Off the top of my head, which is the only part still above water these days, what I like about this hypothesis is the focus on the activity of the...
As if proven when CSS is hypothetical. As if CSS can account for dislocating your jaw when you chew due to inflammation of the TMJ membrane. As if...
Central sensitisation hypothesis has always struck me as another form of denial of patient symptoms, i.e another incarnation of trying to pretend...
This is a unique situation though isnt it? Correct me if I am wrong I am a bit hazy about this but wasnt Garner involved in Cochrane's reviews and...
I realise this is rhetorical musing but for the sake of discussion, only one person has the right to decide how to think and that's you, me, the...
There were several reasonable responses so I am encouraged that many people understand the problem and are thinking rationally about it now. I do...
Separate names with a comma.