I agree with being very sceptical. The first question one asks oneself is whether this is misdiagnosis of another condition as ME or whether ME...
Secretly, or not so secretly now I am writing it on the WWW, I am wondering if PWME with more neurological symptoms might experience a subjective...
I agree with you, we simply dont understand the disease and we have no idea what the different presentations really represent. Those acting on...
It makes good sense that we should be trying to understand what helps. I am afraid though part of the difficulty is the intractability of the...
Well done everyone :)
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What does the term "through this Friday" mean? Does that mean all day Friday, or from now to Friday or from Friday onwards ? Sorry, genuinely...
My concerns are confined to cohort selection. My suggestion would be, in the absence of a standardised way to subtype Fukuda patients, to repeat...
I have submitted this comment verbatim (including typos) because I believe this work is invalidated by using the Fukuda criteria. This is a...
Its very heartening to see a constructive and common sense approach from De Paul researchers. I have mono based CFIDS myself so I am glad they...
Thanks, the huge flaw here is that Fukuda is broken, as another Newton paper proved but failed to say. In fact we can say that it has been shown...
Poor things. It sounds like a new approach to explore. Thanks for sharing your paper by the way, parallel processing makes sense given the 2D...
Thanks Roy, those are fascinating articles. re#3 I am pleased to report a decided aversion to the smell of cat pee! But it makes perfect sense...
I agree with this as I think this converges with the kind of concept I was trying to express in my blog in talking about the development of...
The narrative identity I recognise from my experiences, as a cognitive stream which is almost always present, though there have been times when I...
Moderator note: These posts have been moved from another thread. They previously followed this post:...
IMHO the suppression of intellect regarding ME is partly due to the legacy of the insurance treatments of mental illness in the USA where it cost...
From a campaigning perspective, I absolutely welcome what you are saying @Diane O'Leary. It does help me to understand this paper, as an ME...
IMHO the conclusion does not reflect the method and observations and deductions arising from them. What they appear to have done is to examine a...
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