I am no a doctor either, I am qualified as an FE teacher in sports sciences. It is not possible to advise you personally as above, not least...
I see shapes within my body. Increasing exhaustion is like the dark blue-black blade of a sword descending within my spine, pointy end down, two...
A moving article which in discussing our metaphorical city of stolen futures and lost hope, reminded me a little of "Jonathan Strange & Mr...
Yes, fibromyalgia springs to mind. My first impression is this paper seems to be well done, proper controls etc. Behavioural measures of...
I see, thankyou for your representations. I am out of it a lot of the time anyway. 2016-17 for sure all my functional time was completely occupied...
Because her life was in danger and they have a legal duty of care, it does not matter whether it was seen as a mental condition or not. Even if...
Regarding George Monbiot's article, this latest one really paints a picture and redeems The Guardian a little in my eyes, though question marks...
Thanks for posting Sasha and for reading. :) It is comforting to know its not just me but sorry to hear you have similar migraines of course and...
I agree finding good people is key and puffing-up undesirable. Maybe my terminology is not a fortunate choice. I still think there is something...
My thoughts turn to Maeve and what can be done to prevent this happening again. The medics responsible for Maeve apparently had no idea how to...
OK, there was no well gap, but it is not simple. This is how it went with ACAI (atypical chronic active infection). ME began during an HSV2...
Sorry about the delay, I had to rest before trying to reply again. I thought maybe I should respond to this FYI. I hope by now you know I mean...
Which is a worthwhile achievement and considering timescales, since the discovery of penicillin was less than a century ago, we have made...
I don't know, lets get that out of the way, but my intuitive feeling about this is that PVFS cf ME/CFS are not easily distinguishable because they...
We live in the society we create. If we wish to live in a humane society and receive humane treatment ourselves then we must show humanity to...
The full guide mentions PEM in two places.
This was a really good discussion article, very clear message. ThereForME is gaining some momentum. Well done and thank you to everyone involved.
Thanks for your kind words. To criticise my own post though, I added strikethrough and rephrased one sentence to hold myself to a higher standard...
Sorry to hear about your daughter OP @FStevenChalmers hope she is improving. re: "facts which make this wrong", agree putative mechanisms provide...
Well... the cycle of migraine bouts which inspired the OP seems to have broken, that is the good news. I think this is mostly due to a new...
Separate names with a comma.