Methylene blue is widely used as an antiparasitic in the aquarium trade. Apparently it blocks nitric oxide synthase in humans, which might raise...
Well I think it is born of megalomania rather than leadership and I wonder if it (meaning sanctions) meets the legal intent behind the term "cruel...
Just listened to episode 3 (as an ESA50 landed on my doormat this morning). Mo Stewart (of Mo Stewart Research & the Preventable Harm Project)...
Of course, I tried Triludan branded Terfenadine which was coincident with heart arrhythmia and then I tried Loratidine as a generic which appeared...
I wonder if that would fit with the TH2 shift hypothesis for ME, (which would match my experience) in that if the body is already set up to be...
I take comfort from the thought that any journo worth their salt will fact check any alleged conspiracy theory article and if they do, will find...
This is truthful, well written and correctly characterised the battle against short termist false economy. Any day the truth gets an airing is a...
And how many subtypes are being umbrellad (if that is a word) under one definition? I have been thinking it would be worthwhile approaching it...
Doesn't surprise me. When I had ME undiagnosed 1986-96 I had a long period of TMJ in the context of various periodically shifting symmetrical...
I try to do a tummy and back stretch every night. I use cushions and improvise if my arms are weak, like lying back on cushions or a rolled up...
I think this is really badly written. And this is hyperbolic Malapropism to the point of falsehood. Recapitulation means following the...
I don't like to sound pessimistic but... when I think of Decode ME I remember Prof J Kerr's affymetrix gene expression study which didnt find...
That rings true, L-Carnitine-Tartrate, (subjectively most strengthening imho) taken as needed, has rescued me from crashes on innumerable...
demagoguery with a small d
My thoughts are ... A mouse model based on excess VDAC1 production is not quite the same as human Alzheimer's and the VDAC1 antagonist VBIT-4 is...
Targeting the overexpressed mitochondrial protein VDAC1 in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease protects against mitochondrial dysfunction and...
Any reasonable idea is worth discussing but the above seems like a series of circumstantial associations. It seems fair to say something is...
Also what effect does clearing the transthyretin amyloid plaque with autoantibodies have on thyroid function and eyesight?
Agree context usually makes it comprehensible though good scientific writing should define abbreviations within the text of the document. IMHO...
That's not quite right though is it? It starts out OK right up to "minimum of energy expenditure" but then it slips into graded exercise and mood...
Separate names with a comma.