Access to the Supplementary information is available here with no paywall...
I've been watching the video over a few days. It is very thought provoking with a lot of work put into presenting a pretty convincing story. Peter...
I'm not able to watch the video :( so I hope there will be a blog post form. It is an important topic. Pilot funding for research is so important....
I wish Invest In ME would work with their research collaborators to implement a "a higher number and duration of FMT cycle". I understood the...
Some info on the DEP device used for electrical measurement Source : High-throughput, low-loss, low-cost, and label-free cell separation using...
Cross posting here about the PI's at Surrey University seem to have both moved to The United Arab Emirates and are now visiting professors at...
The Surrey University page for Dr Labeed is here: In the research interests section she mentions...
I thought their papers on apoptosis could be interesting in relation to the salt stress test. Here is one of them where they use the detection...
There is a video and written description of the DEParator cell separator here
Here is some background on Professor Michael Hughes, one of the P.I.'s at Surrey University on the ME Research UK and ME Association funded study...
I think Hanson team discussed at one point the earlier studies were not ideal because samples were not processed quick enough and in a well...
Bhupesh Prusty posted this in reply to someone posting your paper. Thought it might interest you given your work immortalizing lymphocytes with EBV.
This study, the one quoted above by @SNT Gatchaman from 2022 and the following one from 1991 all noted Lipid droplets in ME/CFS. Seems like Lipid...
I and my sister both had accelerated battery draining on Fitbit Charge 2 a few years ago. We both moved our watches to another account and the...
Cross posting from thread USA:NANDSC Working Group for ME/CFS Research report, September 2019. I thought it would be helpful to remind people...
NIH seems to have taken down the PDF report from the 2019 NANDS meeting. No idea why ..................... Luckily a copy was saved on Wayback...
My Fitbit Charge 4 is on it's last legs mechanically. I looked at the Visible website and all it talks about is the arm strap and HR & HRV...
The Bateman Horne center published their "POTS" study of the 10 minute NASA lean test several years ago. Lost in the details were that the...
Here is the CDC webpage for the study. Info on the 7 sites.
This must be old data and I suspect the paper is a retrospective review of the older data. The 471 cases came from their 2017 paper. The 2017...
Separate names with a comma.