My main problem with long covid and ME/CFS advocacy these days is that much of it revolves around clamouring for more allocation of resources and...
Exactly. Was the dystonia REALLY the presenting complaint in these patients? Or was it one of myriad symptoms they have but since it looks...
It looks like establishment “scientists” are already laying the groundwork for controlling the media narrative when the tsunami of new disability...
It sounds to me like they are disabled by their ME/CFS, fibromyalgia and other primary problems. The dystonia is just what landed them in a...
Well said. If they call this sad state of affairs progress, I’d hate to see what they’d consider stagnation.
Most people seem entirely influenced by media narratives. In recent months I've had some interactions with doctors who have for the first time...
Some posts on this thread have been moved from the vaccination experiences thread and the long covid thread. Note also there is a separate thread...
Obviously if you are locked up in a concentration camp and are taking in fewer calories than you need you will lose weight. This trivial...
The three peaks in 2000, 2009 and 2012 coincide with economic crashes, recessions and/or sovereign debt crises. In every recession many people...
I know a guy who took part in a clinical trial of this drug for diabetes several years ago, years before this trial for obesity was published. He...
This guy is so lucky to have recovered from his postviral fatigue syndrome. He has no comprehension of just how lucky he is. Those of us long...
Completely agree. Also, psychotherapy trials should be at least single-blind. There is no excuse not to at least blind the rater who scores...
Pretty astonishing claim, for which there is no evidence. I have seen Stone et al mention the 30% figure in the context of new referrals to...
Pretty ironic seeing one of Lancet’s subjournals publishing an editorial calling out the unregulated nature of psychological interventions....
Every time I get disheartened about how bad thing are here in the Anglosphere for PWME I see an article like this and realise things can be MUCH...
Brutal. My best wishes to patients in Japan.
What they are implying here is that these people are somatisers.
Spot on. I think the ethos of western can-do individualism plays a role here. Anything bad that comes your way is probably your fault because you...
Yeah, this makes no sense. Recruiting sick and healthy participants for studies which are of no direct benefit to them is hard but not impossible....
There is a cult of exercise in our society. People have been led to believe it has magical healing properties. One of the reasons ME/CFS is...
Separate names with a comma.