I did find some comments on this issue in the discussion section: (added line breaks) I guess my main question is this: If you're going to do a...
I'm curious about one type of abnormal tilt table test result - a sudden drop in blood pressure that happens later on - that was not covered by...
Some surprising news! (well, I was surprised, you might not be ;)) Switching arms between vaccine doses could dramatically improve immune...
Thanks for that! There are so many different standards for PPE and I don't know a lot of them. The article is definitely US centric. For what...
Merged thread I'm happy to see an article talking about masks so I thought I'd share it here. Please move if this is the wrong forum. N95 Masks...
#MEAction Partner Caregivers Support Call Sunday, March 3, 12 PM Pacific / 3 PM Eastern...
I saw this notice a while back but did not add it to the news from Solve M.E. thread because it sounded so suspect. Does the idea of hydrogen...
#MEAction’s Volunteer Program Revamped https://www.meaction.net/2024/02/08/meactions-volunteer-program-revamped/ (some line breaks added)
Valentine’s Day Interview with Jamison Hill & Book Promotion...
Just FYI here's a link showing the member groups for this alliance: https://worldmealliance.org/about-us/our-members/
Solve: A #GlobalVoiceForME on World ME Day 2024 https://solvecfs.org/solve-a-globalvoiceforme-on-world-me-day-2024/
Thanks @rvallee Adding a link to a different thread as a cross reference since it has more info about this NIH request for community feedback:...
Rampant COVID Poses New Challenges in the Fifth Year of the Pandemic “We’re still in a pandemic,” says a lead COVID official with the World...
This is a much broader issue about problems with the CDC and how they communicate with the public. But since it's related to the recent U.S....
Thanks, @Kalliope I wasn't able to read the whole thing but what I did read was interesting. Bookmarked for later.
From an #MEAction email: A free, 30-minute, modified movement class (virtual) will be held on Thursday, Feb. 8. Details here:...
I'm wondering whether we need a new thread to discuss what's being said in this senate hearing? At some point - maybe after the transcript is...
This meeting is happening now. It started a couple hours ago but you can either view it live or move the cursor to see older parts of the...
Yeah, it didn't look that great to me, either. I didn't include this item in our weekly news brief.
Next up in the Sunday Conversations series: "It's Not 'All In Your Head' " Multi-Modal Healing with Judy Tsafrir Sunday, January 21 4 PM Eastern...
Separate names with a comma.