I don't think NICE need to nor should do. NICE have done nothing they need to defend. This stuff is not worthy of their attention ... which I...
In a perverse way I think this is beneficial in the longer term, because once someone in Garner's position comes flat out slamming NICE like this,...
It is also very eye opening, because he perfectly illustrates the sort of "scientific expertise" that has been so disastrous for patients, science...
Same with a chap at my work, similar age. Was OK within a week, but pretty awful while he had it, and like nothing else he'd ever experienced. Two...
Who the f' thinks it's OK to write condescending sh1t like this any more! Other than this author of course, who clearly thinks it's OK. Still, at...
Are we sure the publication date is right? ... not 1921?
With big letters splashed on it saying so.
I suppose it would depend whether truly involuntary, or an unconsciously acquired habit.
As has been said elsewhere in the past, obsessive career ladder climbers tend to get promoted until they reach their level of incompetence, but...
I think the trials do reflect the reality: no real improvement; risk of harms. That is the point. But if so badly flawed that outcomes are...
So what is the environment that is being virtualised for patients? What is it about the different environment that is deemed beneficial?
Extremely good.
OK, now I get it :).
Just realised - it's exactly one month ago today ...
Do you think NICE will have gained any insights from this, with a view to possibly better handling of future guideline development? Selections of...
Is it a pub quiz?
I was going by what @adambeyoncelowe said in the video about development of the ME/CFS guideline, and I trust what he said on that score; I was...
Of more recent times anyway, once they started to realise they needed to find something between "a thing of beauty" and "total cr@p".
Brilliant. Many thanks @adambeyoncelowe and @dave30th. Really brings out how well NICE managed things, and ensured their rigorously...
I think you also have to step back bit when considering ordinal data - what is the nature of the real-world parameter that you are attempting to...
Separate names with a comma.