I would think sorting the NHS website to be an intrinsic part of implementation, given it is likely a first port of call for implementers to...
So, correlation but not causation.
Well let's hope that research into mental health problems does actually confine itself to research into mental health problems, and nothing else....
Moved posts ME Association - "Bedfordshire Chronic Fatigue Service and the new NICE guideline – feedback required"...
No, agreed, I don't think it is meant to be. I suspect as @Trish said, it is probably a mistake. A web writer has maybe accidentally created this...
Probably not linked to from anywhere on the web site, just an 'orphaned' page maybe.
Yes, see above.
So this chap then, as one of the expert commenters: [ATTACH]
This is really good @Michiel Tack! Only just had a quick skim, but this is one very informative gem: @dave30th Might it be worth an article...
What a twisted and delusional world these people live in. It sure as heck is nothing to do with science. Forever exposing to the world how unfit...
Maybe in terms of funding clinical trials?
Agree whole heartedly. If you imagine these clinics and clinicians on the "shop floor" they have patients they are (have been?) delivering these...
Is there a general assumption in medicine, that in terms of the symptoms being treated, the worst effect on those symptoms the intervention can...
Yes, even with this sea change there is still a long journey ahead. At least now we are hopefully pointing in more or less the right direct, so...
Agree with all you say in your post Trish. But if NICE had not gone for the 'balance' they did, it is very possible that attempts to get the new...
Just like your Dad.
So, in many ways for patients in the UK, their diagnosis was not far from being a toss of the dice. But according to Diane O'Leary, the illness...
I don't understand her motivation for going on about this?
Not sure they find it that hard ...
Separate names with a comma.