Dear Gary, so very sorry to hear this. The good that you have done for people is so very much appreciated, good that will continue helping people...
But could any substantial changes really be implemented without further committee input, even if agreed by the RT? I would hope that any changes...
Counselling session?
Yes, that was my thought. But pwMEs' bodies are intolerant of exercise. The BPS framing is that pwME mistakenly believe that to be true, and...
Could NICE really change anything significantly in the already signed off guideline, without another committee review and sign off cycle? That...
A bit like - no biological investigations until we have ruled out voodoo, astrology, spiritualism, ...
Oh b*gger, not having a good week!
Took the words right out of my mouth!
@Lucibee "Some groups and stakeholders expressed the concern that, while some patients clearly found these damaging, others might find them...
Seems a bit stuck at the moment ... [ATTACH] Another payday before the deadline, hopefully true for some others too.
It is in fact a very good example of how this bunch exploit every bias they can muster.
@Jonathan Edwards, No doubt you have already seen the info in some of the replies to @dave30th, but just to be sure: [MEDIA] MEA link within...
Maybe it's the insatiable desire for getting published that is becoming ever more starved of things to publish.
Browsing the web for ME/CFS related things, I came across this mumsnet thread ......
The associations in this line up do not inspire confidence ...
Yes. Where the hypothesis presumes a psychological reason for that condition, it must not be assumed there is no physiological reason unless...
Totally agree with this. Especially important that a trial's database be designed with this as one of its primary requirements at inception, then...
I would also be interested to know what the physiological effects are of stress. Does heart rate go up? Does a person's body react in ways that...
The key to it is independent verification. Vaguely reminds me of grappling with simultaneous equations in my youth, and having to appreciate that...
Separate names with a comma.