Maybe M.S. and S.W. are secret admirers :D.
[ATTACH] Would be interesting to know how well the control and blinding was implemented in practice in those trials, because this does not really...
Same here. Yes, paper letters. Like others it is just a waste for me to receive them.
Ukraine also. But David's endeavours are as important and much needed as ever. Donated earlier.
He has wittered on and off about this down the years, as have others, saying that PACE was about CFS not ME, but when you look at the trial...
Just to be pedantic, the punctuation is important: "You know, these people really just do it for the attention."
Not that MS would ever conflate anything to his advantage of course :rolleyes:. Neatly conflating with the BPS' approach of potential iatrogenic...
I don't pretend to understand the science here at all, but one simple analogy occurred to me that might help illustrate the significance of...
Is it known why lupus affects far more women than men?
The idea of an ex-work and pensions minister then becoming health minister does not sound good to me.
Not so different to the ME/CFS bias that many medics have.
Real professional scientists would recognise and acknowledge when they get it wrong, because first and foremost their top priority is supposed to...
Just re-read the original submission again, and I'm as always appalled by the naive incompetence so clearly evident in those who came up with /...
I've negligible knowledge here but would like to understand the essentials. Is this in simple terms meaning: There is the issue of which gene...
Presumably the primary goal of this study is to identify whether there actually is a statistically significant genetic anomaly of some kind - or...
Can someone remind me please how long it is anticipated the study will take, and its initial findings published?
Plausible deniability only works so long as the denials remain ... plausible. Which they don't for very long.
:rofl: ... took me a moment to get it,
In other words, they are (still) part of the problem, not the solution.
So why is it that double blinded pharmaceutical trials with objective outcomes, still have to control for placebo effects?
Separate names with a comma.