One has to be impressed by their sense of...Irony.
‘Evidence-based’ means random control trials That sounds about right.
Someone has to be.
Obviously we are going to have to cross off having had an overly sheltered childhood as a cause of ME.
Did we not all know the chorus?
This sounds absolutely normal to me. Its all part of life's rich pageant. Or, at least, life with ME's rich pageant.
On the question of keeping a diary of activity. I am sure that I have seen something from the early days, and I was quite surprised by it, that...
I thought the saying was: "A half truth is a whole lie".
they are obviously on a roll
Such services may be otherwise available. Caveat emptor.
What puzzles me most about this subject is how anybody can hope to discuss it seriously without mention of: The Disease-Illness distiction: a...
The military probably thinks the condition can be adequately treated with PG Tips.
Well, he is an army medic. What do you expect. They have always been keen on that idea.
Of course DHSC civil servants responsible for providing this answer should be expected to know, or else copy accurately, the information they...
I thought it was a back ofa beer mat exercise with Powell for the 1989 paper Fatigue syndromes
I must admit to having thought that the first identified use of PEM was by Komaroff in the CIBA conference paper. The symposium was held in May...
The term may have been an innovation, but the concept was not. Ramsay had something broadly similar in his definition. Perhaps, as the US...
In the interests of pedantry it should be noted that the meeting was in 1987, I think March but would have to check that. The report was published...
I'm not sure whether you will be aware that one of the Oxford psychologists, I now forget which one, who co-authored the 1995 Surawy paper on the...
This was a hugely reckless move which can be seen on the Daily Mail website. Accidents happen all the time, but there are differences of degree.
Separate names with a comma.